鋭敏化オーステナイト・ステンレス鋼の応力腐食割れ : 塑性誘起相変態の効果
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Stress corrosion cracks which had occurred on a tank used for cloth dying were studied by means of X-ray diffraction and microscope observation. All cracks occurred in the neighborhood of welding beads on the cup side which was formed by drawing. The cracked region was very strongly workhardened and it was detected by X-ray diffraction that very much martensite transformation (fcc→bcc) occurred. Residual stresses at this region were also measured by X-ray method, and it was found that most of them were compressive on the surface, but after removing the surface layer they turned out to be tensile. Those cracks were observed on the surface, cross-section and fracture surface. Principal cracks initiated at corrosion pits, and propagated mostly on intergranular. Many subcracks could be observed and most of them propagated on transgranular. It seems that those crack initiation and growth were made by the tensile residual stresses which had occurred by welding heat and that they were much concerned with the phase change, since the corrosion was accelerated by the martensite transformation.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1976-01-15
松尾 光恭
加藤 享
橋本 弘治
定池 幹夫
北川 茂
松尾 光恭
定池 幹夫
定池 幹夫
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