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The effects of frequency and temperature on the delamination crack growth under cyclic loading were investigated with unidirectional CF/epoxy laminates. Tests were conducted at room temperature, 50℃, and 80℃ in air with double contilever beam (DCB) specimens. At room temperature, the growth rate in terms of number of cylces, da/dN, was given by a power function of the stress intensity range, ΔK, when da/dN was larger than 5×10^<-9>(m/cycle). The relation was almost independent of the loading frequency. At 50゜C and 80゜C, the growth rate in terms of number of cycles, da/dN, was given by a power function of the stress intensity range, ΔK, when da/dN was larger than 5×10^<-11> (m/cycle). When compared at the same value of ΔK, the growth rate, da/dN was higher for higher temperature and for lower frequency. However, the growth rate expressed in terms of time, da/dt, was found to be controlled by the maximum stress intensity factor, K_<max>, independent of the loading frequency at the same temperature, I. E., the delamination crack was considered to have grown by time dependent mechanisms under cyclic loading. The da/dt-K_<max> relation also depended on temperature. For higher temperature, the growth rate, da/dt, was higher at the same value of K_<max>.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1993-04-15
大路 清嗣
中井 善一
大路 清嗣
山守 博文
中村 政晴
山守 博文
中井 善一
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