- 論文の詳細を見る
Pure aluminum deformed in tension was studied by the transmission Laue method. The asterism of diffraction spots was expressed in terms of its magnitude and diffracting direction as follows: Let the magnitude Δθ_a be the dispersion of diffration angle, and φ the angle between the load the diffracting directions on a film. The locus of vector (Δθ_a, φ) can be approximated by one or two circles in many cases. These circles represent the directional asterism distributions and the longest vector corresponds to the asterism maximum. The experimental results obtained were as follows : for coarse grained polycrystalline aluminum, the maximum value of asterism is approximately proportional to the elongation up to a several percent. For both bi-crystal and polycrystal specimens, the asterism maximum vector in a grain oriented in the easy slip direction is large and has the direction along the load direction at the mid point of grain, but it becomes small near the grain boundary. On the other hand, the asterism maximum vector in a grain oriented in the hard slip direction is small at the mid point of grain, but it becomes large near the grain boundary, with its direction varying differently.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1975-01-15
- 鋭敏化オーステナイト・ステンレス鋼の応力腐食割れ : 塑性誘起相変態の効果
- 215 材料特性検出のための磁化過程の応用 : バルクハウゼン効果雑音の応用(機械的性質)
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- 電子顕微鏡による金属の疲労破面の観察
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