- 論文の詳細を見る
In recent publications, it has been proposed by Moseley and others that the velocity of sound propagation along oriented polymeric system of mono-phase can be sued as direct measurement of the degree of molecular orientation in a similar manner to the derivation of the optical orientation factor, f. Samuels has demonstrated that the semi-crystalline polymers, such as polypropylene, can not be derived as a mono-phase but is best represented by a two-phase system of crystalline and non-crystalline regions, and he formulated the sonic modulus as: 3/2(ΔE)^<-1>=(xf_c/E_<tc>+[(1-x)f_a/E_<ta>], (1) where (ΔE)^<-1>=(E_u)^<-1>-(E_0)^<-1>, x is the fraction of crystalline phase, and E_0 and E_u are the measured sonic moduli of the oriented and unoriented specimens, respectively. For a given x, the difference in the sonic moduli between an oriented and unoriented specimens depends upon the orientation factors, f_c and f_a of the two phases in the the specimens. Birefringence for a uniaxially oriented system may be given in the followings expression. Δ/xf_c=Δ_c+Δ_a{[(1-x)/x](f_z/f_c)} (2) Where Δ is the measured birefringence, Δ_c and Δ_a are the intrinsic birefringence of the crystalline and non-crystalline phases, respectively. A combination of the sonic modulus measurement with birefringence one gives a rapid determination of the orientation factors, when the values of E_<tc>, E_<ta>, Δ_c and Δ_a for the given semi-crystalline polymer are known from other sources. Polyethylene films of various density high and low have been used to check the above relation s for the two-phase system, where the values of Δ_c, Δ_a, and E_<tc> are accepted from reports made by several authors and the values of f_c and f_a are determined from the simultaneous measurements of birefringence and X-ray diffraction of the stretched specimens. The intrinsic sonic modulus of the non-crystalline phase, E_<ta> may be evaluated from Eqs. (1) and (2), giving that the lateral forces between the amorphous chain molecules in these system would be expected to be constant value independent of the degree of orientation. The agreement among the evaluations of E_<ta> for highly stretched specimens (150-400%) is good, while that for low stretched specimens is very bad, suggesting that the propagation mechanism of sonic wave in low stretched polyethylene would be more complicated than that proposed by the above relations.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1967-07-15
- 未熱処理ポリエチレンテレフタレ-ト延伸フィルムの熱収縮
- 延伸ポリマーの熱収縮とガラス転移
- スラックスの拘束性に関する研究
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- 着衣の熱・水分同時移動への布の通気性, 透湿性による影響
- 繊維と私
- 学会あれこれ
- 祖父江 寛先生 SOBUE Hiroshi -化学繊維の進展とともに-
- 無定形高分子の体積粘弾性
- 3a-G-5 高分子物質の融解とガラス転移
- ポリエチレン分子の音響的配向評価
- 無定型高分子の熱膨張および圧縮率
- P.V.C.シートの衝撃引張特性 : 高分子のレオロジー
- レーヨンの引張強度について : 高分子のレオロジー : レオロジー特集号
- 紡績繊維の動的挙動の吸湿度依存性 : 高分子レオロジー
- 再生セルロース繊維の湿潤時の粘弾性 : 高分子レオロジー
- 模擬皮膚からの熱伝達 : 模擬皮膚湿潤時と乾燥時の比較
- 衣服素材の通気性と放射特性が着衣系の熱伝達に及ぼす効果〔英文〕 (感覚と計測)
- 繊維機械の再建について(繊維機械再建懇談會(紡織部門委員會))
- 繊維の伸張と動的弾性率
- 繊維機械の動向
- 羊毛繊維の水中における力学的挙動 : 高分子レオロジー
- 綿紡工場の近代化
- 着衣の保温性への下端開口部の効果 -模擬皮膚による検討-
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- 布透湿性の基礎的検討
- 被服科学研究委員会報告
- 21世紀に向けて
- テキスタイルと情報
- 日本の繊維・高分子科学の先駆者 祖父江先生
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- 繊維・織物の衝撃強さ
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- 繊維の疲労について (ゴム用繊維の最近の諸問題)
- タイトル無し
- On the Gripping Action of Draft Rolls on Spinning Frame (2):A Comparative Study of Leather Rolls and Synthetic Rolls.
- On the Gripping Action of Draft Rolls on Spinning Frame (3):A Comparative Study of Leather Rolls and Synthetic Rolls.