- 論文の詳細を見る
The viscosity of wood during water desorption is formulated by the use of Doolittle's viscosity equation. On the basis of the equation, the creep compliance during water desorption is derived and approximately represented by J(t)=J^0(t)+KM(t), where J(t) is the compliance during water desorption, J^0(t) is the compliance in a steady state of moisture, K is constant, and M(t) is the change of moisture content during water desorption. This equation is equivalent to the equations which have satisfied the empirical results so far. By comparing both the water desorption process and the steady state of moisture, the decrease in excess entropy during water desorption is found to be one of the factors contributing the deflection recovery in the cyclic water adsorption-desorption process except first water adsorption process.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1996-04-15
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