Ba(Ti_<1-x>,Zr_x)0_3の強誘電的相転移 : 組成・構造
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The ferro-to-paraelectric phase transition was investigated with a special interest in the diffuse phase transition in BaTiO_3-BaZrO_3 solid solutions, which was characterized by the gradual change of the relative dielectric constant with temperature. In the diffuse phase transition, the change in the relative dielectric constant with temperature was not directly associated with the change in a crystal structure. The Curie temperature, at which the relative dielectric constant took a peak value, appeared in the solid solutions with cubic symmetry. The cubic-to-rhombohedral transition occurred gradually at a temperature below the Curie temperature. The present experimental data could not satisfactorily be explained by the statistical compositional fluctuation model in solid solutions.
- 社団法人日本セラミックス協会の論文
- 1990-08-01
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