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The effects of mono- and divalent cations on the properties of multicomponent phosphate glasses with the compositions of 10PbO・20ZnO・10R_2O・50P_2O_5・7.5Al_2O_3・2.5B_2O_3(R:Li, Na, K, Rb)and 10PbO・20ZnO・5Li_2O・5R′O・50P_2O_5・7.5Al_2O_3・2.5B_2O_3(R′:Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Zn, Cd, Sn, Pb)were investigated. Glass transition temperature(T_g), yielding point(Y_p), and thermal expansion coefficient(α)increased with increasing ionic radius of the alkali ion. As a result, water durability of the phosphate glass was highly improved. Introduction of divalent cations also resulted in the same tendency. It was considered that the improvement of the water durability was due to the increasing linking density, which was accompanied by increasing steric hindrance of additional cations against attack by water molecules.
- 社団法人日本セラミックス協会の論文
- 1995-02-01
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