混合導電性ペロブスカイト型酸化物を用いる酸素選択透過膜の開発(第2報) : 多孔性支持体上へのペロブスカイト型酸化物膜の作製
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In an attempt to develop an oxygen semipermeable membrane with an asymmetric structure using mixed conductive perovs-kite-type oxides, preparation of a dense La_<9.6>Sr_<9.4>CoO_3 (LSCO) film on a porous LSCO substrate was studied by means of sputtering- and spray deposition-techniques. No dense overlayer formed by the sputtering technique, with large open pores of the substrate remaining uncovered. Moreover, the deposited overlayer showed many cracks after heating at temperatures between 1000° and 1400℃ for crystallization of the overlayer. The spray deposition technique consisted of repetition of spraying an ethanol suspension of fine LSCO particles on the porous substrate at ca. 300℃ and sintering for 1 h in air at elevated temperature. It was found that efficiency in covering open pores of the substrate depends on the spray amount and the sintering temperature. Optimum conditions were 2-3 mg・cm^<-2> of LSCO per one spray and 1400℃ for sintering. Under these conditions, the open pores were covered progressively with repeating the procedure, and an almost completely dense over-layer about 15 μm thick was obtained after repeating four times. The thin film element thus obtained showed a higher rate of oxygen semipermeation than that of a dense sintered disc, although the rate was lower than expected. Control of the chemical composition at the film surface as well as the dispersion of open pores of the substrate was suggested to be important for improvement.
- 社団法人日本セラミックス協会の論文
- 1989-05-01
野中 聡
野中 源一郎
三浦 則雄
Art Science And Technology Center For Cooperative Research Kyushu University
三浦 則雄
寺岡 靖剛
山添 昇
寺岡 靖剛
福田 泰三
山添 昇
三浦 則雄
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