B-35. Air Embolism during Neurosurgical Operation in the Sitting Position
Fukushima Takeo
Departments of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka University
TOMONAGA Masamichi
Department of Neurosurgery, Fukuoka University School of Medicine
KITAMURA Katsutoshi
Department of Neurosurgery, Neurological Institute, Kyushu University
Department of Neurosurgery, Neurological Institute, Kyushu University
Tomonaga Masamichi
Department Of Neurosurgery Faculty Of Medicine Fukuoka University
Department of Anesthesiology,Kyushu University
Department of Anesthesiology,Kyushu University
Tateishi Haruo
Department Of Anesthesiology Kyushu University
Fukushima Takeo
Department Of Neurosurgery Neurological Institute Kyushu University
Fukushima Takeo
Department Of Neurosurgery Fukuoka University
Tomonaga Masamichi
The First Department Of Surgery Kyushu University Faculty Of Medicine
Yonemasu Yukichi
Department Of Neurosurgery Neurological Institute Faculty Of Medicine Kyushu University
Yonemasu Yukichi
Department Of Neurosurgery Asahikawa Medical College
Furukawa Tetsuji
Department Of Anesthesiology Kyushu University
Kitamura Katsutoshi
Department Of Neurosurgery Neurological Institute Faculty Of Medicine Kyushu University
Kitamura Katsutoshi
Department Neurosurgery Kyushu University
Fukushima Takeo
Department Of Neurosurgery Faculty Of Medicine Fukuoka University
Kitamura Katsutoshi
The First Department Of Surgery Kyushu University Faculty Of Medicine
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- B-35. Air Embolism during Neurosurgical Operation in the Sitting Position
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