g-7. Experimental study of regional blood flow in increased and non-increased intracranial pressure (Regional blood flow in hemorrhagic shock under hypercapnia and hypocapnia)
Moriyasu Nobuo
Neurological Surgery,Nihon University School of Medicine
Moriyasu Nobuo
Neurosurgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
Honda Masakazu
Neurosurgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
SATO Kowten
Neurosurgery,Nihon University School of Medicine
Neurosurgery,Nihon University School of Medicine
MIYAZAKI Tadatsune
Neurosurgery,Nihon University School of Medicine
Neurosurgery,Nihon University School of Medicine
Sato Kowten
Neurosurgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
Higuchi Kowya
Neurosurgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
Ebihara Manabu
Neurosurgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
Miyazaki Tadatsune
Neurosurgery Nihon University School Of Medicine
- B-5. Experimental Studirs on the Adjuvant Therapy in Brain Tumor : Focusing on the Radio-Immune Therapy,as a Adjuvant Therapy for the Bain Tumor
- 40 Postoperative Treatment of the Brain Surgey with Respect to Water and Electrolytes Metabolism,Cardio-Pulmonal and Hepatic Circulation
- g-7. Experimental study of regional blood flow in increased and non-increased intracranial pressure (Regional blood flow in hemorrhagic shock under hypercapnia and hypocapnia)
- l-6. Experimental studies on the metabolism in head injury (Focusing on the respiratory activity of brain, heart, liver and kidney mitochondria)