D-13. EEG Characteristics of the Occlusion of the Circle of Willis (Special Discussion:Occulsive Arterial Disorders of the Main Trnks of the Cerebral Arteries,Particularly Found in Japan)
Kudo Tatsuyuki
Div.of Neurological Surg. Keio Univ.
Kudo Tatsuyuki
Div.of Neurological Surgery Dept.of Surgery School Of Medicine Keio University
Yoshii Nobuo
Div.of Neurological Surgery Dept.of Surgery School Of Medicine Keio University
- S-10. The Clinical Evaluation of Linear Accelerator Supervoltage X-ray Rakeation Therapy on the Brain Tumors (Symosium:Non-Operatives Treauments for Brain Tumors)
- 53. Acute and Chronic Subdural Hematoma, Especially on Its Treatment
- 55. Statistical Survey of Cerebral Aneurysm
- 106. Three interesting Cases of Brain Tumor Suspect. : Pseudohypoparathyroidism, Schilder's Disease ana Kuff's Disease
- 57. Roentgenological observation on the Japanese Cranial base.
- D-13. EEG Characteristics of the Occlusion of the Circle of Willis (Special Discussion:Occulsive Arterial Disorders of the Main Trnks of the Cerebral Arteries,Particularly Found in Japan)
- S-G-5 S-G-5. The Resuscitation of the Central Nervous System (Symposium G: Regeneration and Transplantation of the Nervous System)