55. The Effect of Dexamethasone on Cerebrospinal Fluid Produciton Rate in the Dog (Proceedings of the XXVth Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society)
Tsugane Ryuichi
1st Dept.of Surgery Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Sato Osamu
1st Dept.of Surgery Nagoya University School Of Medicine
1st Dept.of Surgery,Nagoya University School of Medicine
Hashimoto Yoshio
1st Dept.of Surgery Nagoya University School Of Medicine
- S-B-6. Cerebrospinal Fluid Production Rate in Experimentally induced Cerebral Edema in Dogs
- 84. The Rate of Production and Absorption of the Cerebrospinal Fluid under Hypothermia : -Experimental report on Dogs-
- 55. The Effect of Dexamethasone on Cerebrospinal Fluid Produciton Rate in the Dog (Proceedings of the XXVth Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society)
- S-B-6. Cerebrospinal Fluid Production Rate in Experimentally induced Cerebral Edema in Dogs