- 論文の詳細を見る
In two cases admitted with double vision and exophthalmos, computed tomography and skull radiograms revealed fractures of the superior third of the left orbital rim. Bone fragments were noticed in the upper lateral quadrant of the orbit. Reconstructive operations were performed in both cases. Shortly after the operation, the double vision and exophthalmos disappeared. Fracturcs of the orbita are infrequent. Among such fractures, blow out fractures which present enophthalmos are most frequently encountered. However, traumatic exophthalmos due to orbital fracture is quite rare. Its mechanism is the decrease of the orbital capacity secondary to the protrusion of bony fragments into the orbita.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1986-12-15
中島 裕典
姉川 繁敬
田原 昭彦
白水 徹
鳥越 隆一郎
姉川 繁敬
聖マリア病院 脳神経セ 脳神経外科
鳥越 隆一郎
姉川 繁敬
姉川 繁敬
聖マリア病院脳神経センター 脳神経外科
白水 徹
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