頸部頸動脈閉塞性病変の外科的治療 : A review-I "完全閉塞"
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The author presents a review of published literatures on the surgical treatment of atherosclerotic occlusive lesions at the cervical carotid bifurcation. This review is an analysis of progress in the past and predictable development in the near future, rather than a comprehensive report of the literature. The review will be made in three parts. In this first part, attention was focused on the surgical treatment of "total occlusion" of the internal carotid artery. The analysis included such surgical procedures as endarterectomy of the contralateral carotid stenosis, endarterectomy of the external carotid artery, stumpectomy and other techniques in addition to EC-IC bypass operation. The author chosen particularly to emphasize the importance of cerebral blood flow measurement as an adjunct to the objective selection of "total occlusion" patients for the surgical treatment. Limitted usefulness of presently available rCBF method was discussed in comparison with feasibility of "Xe-enhanced CT scan" method.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1980-03-15
- 16.肺癌における脳転移症例の検討 : 第15回日本肺癌学会九州支部会
- 脳腫瘍における術中thermography : 温熱療法に対する基礎的研究
- 頸部頸動脈閉塞性病変に対するdigital subtraction angiographyと超音波診断
- 頸部頸動脈閉塞性病変の外科的治療A Review : V 臨床症状と手術成績
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- 頸部頸動脈閉塞性病変の外科的治療A Review : II "狭窄", III "潰瘍" およびIV "その他の微細病変"
- 頸部頸動脈閉塞性病変の外科的治療 : A review-I "完全閉塞"
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- 頸部頸動脈閉塞性病変の外科的治療A Review : V 臨床症状と手術成績
- 頸部頸動脈と脳主幹動脈に閉塞性病変をもつ症例に対する頸動脈内膜切除術の適応
- Dural AVMについて
- 頸部頸動脈に閉塞性病変を有する症例の局所脳血流量 (rCBF) の検討
- 脳波パワースペクトルおよび体性知覚誘発電位と脳血管障害
- 血管造影による頸部頸動脈閉塞性病変の診断および摘出標本との対比
- 頸部頸動脈閉塞性病変に対する手術適応:-多項目方式によるチェック-