Pontine Hemorrhages Presenting as Trigeminal Neuropathy : Report of Three Cases
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Three patients with pontine hemorrhages presenting clinically as trigeminal neuropathy are described. No patient was hypertensive and angiograms were normal. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging showed heterogeneous lesions, suggesting cavernous malformation, in one patient, but no definite diagnosis could be made in the other two patients. Such cases are rare and should be evaluated using serial MR imaging to differentiate angiographically occult vascular malformation from spontaneous hemorrhage.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1993-04-15
小宮山 雅樹
Department of Neurosurgery,Osaka City General Hospital
YASUI Toshihiro
Department of Neurosurgery,Osaka City General Hospital
Fu Yoshihiko
Department Of Neurosurgery Tsukazaki Hospital
Fu Yoshihiko
Department Of Neurosurgery Baba Memorial Hospital
YAGURA Hisatsugu
Department of Neurosurgery, Baba Memorial Hospital
KHOSLA Virender
Department of Neurosurgery, Baba Memorial Hospital
Yasui T
Nagoya City Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Yasui Toshihiro
Department Of Neurosurgery Osaka City General Hospital
Khosla Virender
Department Of Neurosurgery Baba Memorial Hospital:m.s. Postgraduate Institute Of Medical Education A
Khosla Virender
Department Of Neurosurgery Baba Memorial Hospital:m.d. Department Of Neurosurgery Postgraduate Insti
Komiyama Masaki
Department Of Neurosurgery Baba Memorial Hospital
Yasui Toshihiro
Department Of Neurosurgery Baba Memorial Hospital
Yagura Hisatsugu
Department Of Neurosurgery Baba Memorial Hospital
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