3a-M-5 スピン波sidebandの形
MnF_2のスピン波サイドバンド : 磁性理論
14a-N-11 希土類塩のイオン対スペクトル
11a-D-9 ヘムの電子構造の問題点
3a-M-5 スピン波sidebandの形
16p-B-22 磁性半導体の光吸収端
H. Watanabe: Operator Method in Ligand Field Theory, Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1966, 193頁, 15×23cm, 3,800円.
励起状態での超交換相互作用 : 磁性 : 理論
B.G. Wybourne: Spectroscopic Properties of Rare Earths. Interscience Publishers, New York, 1965, 236頁, 15×23cm, 4,200円.
F. Seitz and D. Turnbull編: Solid State Physics Vol.16, Academic Press Inc., New York and London 1964, 446頁, 16×24cm, 6200円, Chapter 3. M.T. Hutchings: Point-Charge Calculations of Energy Levels of Magnetic Ions in Crystalline Electric Fields, 227-273頁.
C.K. JΦrgensen: Absorption Spectra and Chemical Bonding in Complexes, Pergamon Press, London and New York, 1962, 352頁, 15×23cm, 70s.
G.Ya.Lyubarskii: The Application of Group Theory in Physics, Pergamon Press, Oxford/London/New York 1960, 380頁, 14×22cm, 63s.
J.C.Slater: Quantum Theory of Atomic Structure, Vol.II. Mc Graw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1960, 439頁, 15×23cm, $