- 論文の詳細を見る
Dengue fever (DF) is an acute febrile disease caused by dengue virus, which was re-emerged in tropical regions in the past 20 years. The numbers of imported DF were 6 to 44 per year in the recent Japan. We report a Japanese member of non-governmental organization (NGO) with dengue fever (DF). The patient developed sudden onset of high fever after returning to Japan, followed by rash and thrombocytopenia. DF was confirmed by isolation of dengue virus from serum, a positive reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test, and a high titer of IgM antibody to dengue virus. Dengue virus infection should be included in the differential diagnosis of the patients, developing high fever, skin rash, and thrombocytopenia after returning from endemic area.
- 山形大学の論文
- 2005-08-15
田嶋 克史
原田 裕子
田嶋 克史
軽部 宏紀
田嶋 克史
Department of Neurology, Hematology, Metabolism, Endocrinology, and Diabetology, Yamagata University
原田 裕子
Department of Internal Medicine and Therapeutics, Department of Neurology, Haematology, Metabolism,
軽部 宏紀
Department of Internal Medicine and Therapeutics, Department of Neurology, Haematology, Metabolism,
原田 裕子
Department Of Internal Medicine And Therapeutics Department Of Neurology Haematology Metabolism Endo
軽部 宏紀
Department Of Internal Medicine And Therapeutics Department Of Neurology Haematology Metabolism Endo
軽部 宏紀[他]
Department of Internal Medicine and Therapeutics, Department of Neurology, Haematology, Metabolism, Endocrinology and Diabetology, Yamagata University Faculty of Medicine
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