Triplet Pairing Superconductivity Induced by Short-Range Ferromagnetic Correlations in Sr_2RuO_4(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The microscopic origin of triplet superconductivity in Sr_2RuO_4 is discussed, paying attention to the role of Coulomb interaction, U_<pp>, at the O site. It is shown on the d-p model that U_<pp> induces a ferromagnetic exchange interaction between "d-electrons" (molecular orbital with d_<xy>-symmetry) at adjacent Ru sites, leading to short-range ferromagnetic correlations and promoting Cooper pairing with (sin p_x±i sin P_y)-symmetry on the γ-band. The reason why such ferromagnetic correlations work effectively may be traced back to the fact that the level of 4d-electrons at Ru sites is relatively low and located near that of 2p-electrons at O sites.
- 2005-10-15
Miyake Kazumasa
Division Of Endocrine Surgery Kawasaki Medical School.
Kosaki Masato
Graduate_school Of Science Osaka University
Division of Materials Physics, Department of Materials Engineering Science, Graduate School of Engin
Hoshihara Kengo
Division Of Materials Physics Department Of Materials Engineering Science Graduate School Of Enginee
Division of Materials Physics, Department of Materials Engineering Science, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
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