超高速・超高感度撮像系を用いた血栓形成メカニズムの解明(<特集>第57回シンポジウム: 肺塞栓-その予防と治療-)
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Thromboemoblism is an attendant feature of a variety of pathological conditions. Platelets labelled with carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimydyl ester and erythrocytes were visualized using ultra-high speed intensified fluorescence. We reconsidered Virchow's pathogenetic triad of stasis, humoral factors, and vascular wall pathologies in the light of platelet behavior in vivo. Rat mesenteric microcirculation was examined by intravital microscopy. The measurement of the velocity and the density of platelets were carried out at both centerline and periendothelial regions of arterioles and venules by frame-by-frame analyses with millisecond resolution. After isolated rat platelets had been injected intravenously into rats, their behavior in venules was examined under the following conditions : stasis from pressure, hemoconcentration from erythropoietin injections, or endothelial damage from tumor necrosis factor-alpha. In the endothelial damage group, platelets displayed transient adhesion and rolling, while some platelets exhibited stationary adhesion to venular endothelium. The pretreatment of anti-human P-selectin monoclonal antibody followed by the administration of endotoxin diminished these alterations completely. The stasis and hemoconcentration groups exhibited only a slight change in adhesive response. Endothelial dysfunction appears to be the most important contributing factor in the development of venous thrombosis. As such, it suggests itself as a target for therapeutic intervention.
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 2005-09-01
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