20 Detection of Antitumor Cytokine Production by Lymph Node Lymphocytes (LNL) or Ascites Associated Macrophages (AAM) in vitro.
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1991-08-01
Nakano H.
Dept. Gynec. And Obst. Faculty Of Med. Kyushu Univ.
Okadome M.
Dept. Gynec. And Obst. Faculty Of Med. Kyushu Univ.
Saito T.
Dept. Gynec. National Kyusyu Cancer Center
Saito T
Dept. Gynec. And Obst. Faculty Of Med. Kyushu Univ.
Kamura T.
Dept. Gynec. & Obst., Facult. Med., Kyuusyu Univ.
Tsukamoto N.
Dept. Gynec. & Obst., Facult. Med., Kyuusyu Univ.
Sugihara K.
Dept. Gynec. and Obst., Fac. of Med., Kyushu Univ.
Kamura T.
Dept. Gynec. And Obst. Faculty Of Med. Kyushu Univ.
Tsukamoto N.
Dept. Gynec. And Obst. Faculty Of Med. Kyushu Univ.
Shigematsu T.
Dept. Gynec. & Obst. Facult. Med. Kyuusyu Univ.
Sugihara K.
Dept. Gynec. And Obst. Faculty Of Med. Kyushu Univ.
- 68. Change of Immunological Parameters of Cervical Cancer Patients Receiving Radiotherapy and its Relation to Recurrence
- EARLY EXPERIENCE WITH PTCA : Ischemic Heart Disease (IV) : IV : 48 Annual Scientific Meeting, Japanese Circulation Society
- PTCR : REDUCTION OF IN-HOSPITAL MORTALITY AND MORBIDITY IN ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION : Ischemic Heart Disease (II), Coronary Circulation : II : 48 Annual Scientific Meeting, Japanese Circulation Society
- ESTIMATION OF THE VIABILITY OF INFARCTED MYOCARDIUM BY ^Tl SPECT : Doppler, RI : I : 48 Annual Scientific Meeting, Japanese Circulation Society
- 178. Measurement of Placental Protein 10 (PP10) in Circulating Maternal Blood from Pregnant Women
- 147 The change of venous tone in pregnancy induced hypertension and chronic hypertension complicating pregnancy.
- 203 The usefulness of lung area in the antenatal evaluation of fetal pulmonary hypoplasia.
- 27 The effects of normal pregnancy and pregnancy induced hypertension on venous tone.
- 124 The effect of endogenous human atrial natriuretic peptide on the vascular system in pregnancy induced hypertension and pregnancy aggravated hypertension.
- 164 Relationship between RI values in the umbilical artery and the outcome in cases with hydrops fetalis.
- 200. Limiting Factor for the Outcome of Nonimmunologic Hydrops Fetalis
- 199. The Relation between Intrauterine Human Parvovirus Infection and Nonimmunologic Hydrops Fetalis
- 81. Physiologic Role of Endogenous Human Atrial Natriuretic Peptide in Preeclamptic Pregnancies
- 99. Determination of Fetal Lung Maturity by Measurement of Surface Tension of Amniotic Fluid Lipid Extract
- 128 Clinical evaluation of subrenal capsule assay (SRC) in ovarian cancer.
- 111 Clinical study of second-look operation (SLO) for ovarian carcinoma.
- 342. A Clinical Study on the Dead Patients after Five Year Survival of Cervical Cancer
- 144.Pharmacokinetics of 5'-Deoxy-5-Fluorouridine (5'-DFUR) in Gynecological Malignant Tumors : XXV Malignant Tumor(V)
- 91.Immunological Reactivity of Lymph Node Lymphocytes from Patients with Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix : Relationship to Clinical Stage, Histologic Change of Lymph Node, and Lymphocytes Reaction around Primary Tumor : XVI Immunology(I)
- 436. Microbiological Studies on Infection of Pelvic Dead Space
- 26 Is it possible to omit diagnostic conization (cone) for cervical neoplasia with unsatisfactory colposcopic findings (UCF)?
- 7 Distribution of basement membrane antigens in adenocarcinomas of the uterine cervix, an immunohistochemical study.
- 125 Mechanism of clinical resistance to chemotherapy in ovarian cancer.
- 77. The Relationship between Cancer Spread in the Extirpated Uterus and 5-year Survival Rate of Cervix Cancer
- 247. AG-4 (ICP-lO) is Encoded on the Specific Fragment of HSV-2 that has Tumorigenic Potential
- 35 Relationship between endometrial metaplasia and carcinoma.
- 98 Evaluation of postoperative adjuvant radiation in the patients with carcinoma of the uterine cervix.
- 261. Second-look Operation in Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma
- 138. Peritoneal Cytology in Patients with Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix
- 64. Characteristics of Microcirculation in Preeclampsia
- 158. Use of Laser Nephelometry in the Measurement of Surfactant Apoprotein in Amniotic Fluid
- 85.Study of Protein Production by the Amnion : XV Fetus and Neonate(V)
- 82.Changes of Polyamines in Amniotic Fluid and its Clinical Significance : XIV Fetus and Neonate(IV)
- 49 Analysis of human alpha-amylase in the ammniotic fluid using the pH titration curve method.
- 89. Early Adenocarcinoma of the Uterine Cervix
- 413. Is CAP Therapy Superior to PA Therapy for the Treatment of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer?
- 320. Stage Ia (FIGO, 1985) Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix
- 96 The treatment of asthenospermia by the method of sperm injection into perivitelline space.
- 44 A combination chemotherapy consisting of 5-Fluorouracil, Doxorubicin, Cyclophosphamide, and Vincristine for Advanced or Recurrent Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix
- 20 Detection of Antitumor Cytokine Production by Lymph Node Lymphocytes (LNL) or Ascites Associated Macrophages (AAM) in vitro.
- 311 Detection of humoral antitumor activity of regional lymph node lymphocytes in cervical cancer patients using human tumor clonogenic assay (HTCA).
- 204 Blood flow characteristics in the middle cerebral artery in normal and growth-retarded human fetuses.
- 72 A 19-year review of the effects of advances in perinatal management on the outcome of malformed fetuses.
- 531. Clarification of the Regulatory Mechanism of Hemodynamics in the Human Fetus
- 526. The Relation between Mouthing Movement and REM/NREM with Advance in Gestational Age in the Human Fetus
- 120 Effects of coculture between early stage embryos and the cell of extra sexual oragan on embryo development.
- 119 Effects of assisted hatching at 2 cell stage on embryo growth.
- 75 Chymotripsin treatment enhances fertilization in in vitro fertilization
- 140 Endometrial thickness and prognosis in IVF-ET cycles.
- 4 Application of microfertilization to patients with severe oligo-asthenozoospermia.
- 139. Effects of Various Follicle Stimulation Methods on Serum Hormone Levels and Pregnancy Rates in an in vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer Program
- 129 The function of fibrin-clot reduction on syncytial cell of toxemic pregnancy.
- 336 Angiogenic activity of human villi and decidua in the first trimester of pregnancy.
- 91. Application of Electronic Data Processing System in Obstetric Practice
- 76. Developmental Relation between Eye Movement and Urination in the Human Fetus
- 236. Analysis of Blood Velocity Wave Form in the Umbilical Artery by Pulse Doppler Method
- 325. Intrauterine Treatment of Idiopathic Hydrops Fetalis
- 214. Functional Development of the Fetal Central Nervous System Regulating the Heart Rate Changes
- 139. The Incidence of Para-Aortic Lymph Mode Involvement in Gynecologic Malignancies
- Para-aortic Node Biopsy in Cervical Cancer
- Evaluation of Efficacy of Cisplatin-based Chemotherapy on Epithelial Ovarian Cancer; Its Comparison with Treatments Employed before Cisplatin Era
- 234.An Analysis of the Fetal Heart Rate Changes by a Mathematical Model : XXXX ME(III)
- 192. Deep Body Temperature of the Early Newborn Infants
- 220. Quantitative Analysis of the Female Pelvic Cavity by Ultrasonic Tomography
- 144. Role of CT in the Evaluation of Radiotherapeutic Effect and Prognosis of Cervical Cancer
- 172. A Consideration on Nutriological Constitution of Mother's Milk, Especially as for the Amount of Taurine
- 11. Imaging Diagnosis of Dermoid Cyst, Using Ultrasonography and X-ray CT
- 56. Ultracytochemical Localization of Adenosine Nucleotidases (ATPase, ADPase and AMPase) in the Human Term Placenta
- 66. Ultracytochemical Studies on Human Tern Placenta : Localization of Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP), Acid Phosphatase (ACP) and 5'-Nticlebtidase (5'-N) Activities
- 154 The cytochemical study of 5'-Nucleotidase (5'-N), Adenylate cyclase (AC), Guanylate cyclase (GC) and cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity in human term placenta.
- The cytochemical study of 5'-Nucleotidase(5'-N), Adenylate cyclase(AC), Guanylate cyclase(GC) and cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase(PDE) activity in human term placenta.
- Obesity and periodontal disease; circulating adipocytokine in women with periodontitis: the Hisayama study (2006年度日本味と匂学会第40回大会) -- (Symposium 1: Oral Health Science: Taste, Olfaction, Food and Healthy Life)
- Relationship between Upper Body Obesity and Periodontitis
- Ultrastructural Localizations of the Cyclic Nucleotide Metabolizing Enzyme Activities in the Human Term Placenta
- 58 Ultrastructure of Cytochemical Localizations of Adenylate Cyclase, Mg^- ATPase and ALPase in the Pregnant Mouse Uterine Endometrium.
- 67 Evaluation of fetal heart rate variations with advance in gestation using a probability matrix.
- 428 Quantitative analysis of fetal heart rates using a probability matrix.
- 153 Ultracytochemical localization of adenylate cyclase in the rat epididymis.
- Ultracytochemical localization of adenylate cyclase in the rat epididymis.
- Usefulness and Limit of X-ray CT for Differentiation between Benign and Malignant Ovarian Tumor, for Preoperative CT Staging of Malignant Ovarian Tumor
- 98.The Induction of Suppressor Cells by Pregnant Mouse Serum : XVII Immunology(II)
- 240. Fibrinolytic Activity in Amniotic Fluid of Abnormal Pregnancy
- 132. Sonographic Endometrial Images of Early Implantation
- 502 Effect of GnRH agonist leuprolide acetate depot on steroid receptors in leiomyoma and myometrium.
- 151 Cytochemical localization of Ca^-ATPase activity in rat cerebral arteries.
- Cytochemical localization of Ca^-ATPase activity in rat cerebral arteries.
- MESODERM-INDUCING ACTIVITY OF INHIBINS IN XENOPUS EMBRYOS.(Developmental Biology)Proceedings of the Sixty-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoologiacal Socistry of Japan
- Commitment to X-ray-induced cell death prior to caspase-3 dependent process in MOLT-4 cells
- Radiosensitivity and apoptosis in MOLT-4 cells. -involvement of p53 and caspases-
- Role of X-ray CT and Tumor Marker in Evaluation of Therapeutic Effect on and Postoperative Control of Cervical Cancer
- Cyclic Guanosine 3',5'-Monophosphate Phosphodiestrase Activity in the Cone Outer Segment.
- Phosphatase Histochemistry on Rapid Freeze Substituted Tissues.
- 321 The relationship between occulted hyperprolactinemia and ovarian function.
- 81 Phosphatase Histochemistry on Rapid Freeze Substituted Tissues.
- 124. The Modification of Immune Responses during Pregnancy
- 57. The Pattern of Sponteneous Contraction, and the Effects of Mg^ and Terbutaline on Pregnant Human Myometrium and Terbutaline-MgS0_4 Combined Therapy