96. The Observation of Hemodynamic Changes in Fetal Arrhythmias by Pulsed Doppler Ultrasound
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1985-11-01
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Tokai Univ. Sch. Med., Kanagawa
Utsu M
Dept. Of Perinatology National Cardiovascular Center
Kanzaki T
Dept. of Perinatology, National Cardiovascular Center
Sakakibara S
Dept. of Perinatology, National Cardiovascular Center
Chiba Y
Dept. of Perinatology, National Cardiovascular Center
Utsu M
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Tottori Univ. Sch. Med.
Kanzaki T
Dept. Of Perinatology National Cardiovascular Center
Sakakibara S
Dept. Of Perinatology National Cardiovascular Center
Chiba Y
Dept. Of Perinatology National Cardiovascular Center
Chiba Y
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Tokyo Women's Med. College Second Hosp.
Chiba Y
Dept. Obst. &gynec. Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Sakakibara S
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Osaka Univ. Med. Sch.
Murakami M
Dept. of Perinatology, National Cardiovascular Center
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- 83. Dynamic Analysis on Labor Control Mechanism
- 109. The Immunological Significance of Specific Pregnancy Beta 1 Qlycoprotein and its Correlation to the Placental Function
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- 84. Correlation of Postoperative Ovarian Deficiency Symptom and Peripheral Vascular Hemodynamics
- 101. Comparison between Fetal Breathing Movement and Neonatal Respiratory Patterns
- 96. The Observation of Hemodynamic Changes in Fetal Arrhythmias by Pulsed Doppler Ultrasound
- 95. Studies on the Antenatal Diagnosis of Fetal Cardiac Abnormalities
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