239. Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA_1) Levels in Pregnancy
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1980-12-01
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Jikei Univ. Sch. Med., Tokyo
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Kosei Hosp.
Dept. Pediatrics, Asahehawa Med. College
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Kyoundo Hosp. in Sasahi Institute
Onda T
Dept. Obst. Gynec., The Jikei Univ. Sch. Med.
Fukushima K
Dept. of Anesth., National Defense Med. College
Kohama Y
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Shiomidai Hosp.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Shiomidai Hosp.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Shiomidai Hosp.
Tootake T
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Shiomidai Hosp.
Onda T
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. The Chigasaki Shiritsu Hosp.
Onda T
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Kanagawa Prifecture Midwives And Nurses Training Sch. Hosp. Kanagawa
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., The Chigasaki Shiritsu Hosp.
- 242. Effects of Sex Steroid Hormones on Human Endometrial Carcinoma Cells : Enhancing Effects of Estradiol for Progesterone
- 8. A Study on the Postoperative Management of Ovarial Cancer, with Special Reference to the Significance of Second Look Lapaloscopy
- 248. Pharmacokinetics of Cefazolin in the Perinatal Period
- 246. Analysis of Changing Nuclear DNA of Cervical Cancer Cell Irradiated with Cobalt 60 by Flow-Cytometry (Part II)
- 291. Correlation Radioresistance to Magnitude of Recovery from Radiationinduced Cell Damages of Human Uterine Adenocarcinoma Cells
- 13. Experimental studies on Reasonable Combination of Anticancer Drugs with Cell Cycle Analysis
- 244. Flow-Microfluorometric Analysis of Cell Cycle on the Human Uterine Cervical Carcinoma Transplanted to Nude Mice for the Fractionated Irradiation with Misonidazole
- 121. To Increase the Irradiation Effect of the Hypoxic Carcinoma Cells
- Metabolism of Vascular Wall Arachidonic Acid in STZ Diabetic Pregnant Rats
- 269. Studies on Endometrial Repair Cell
- 42. A Study on Preoperative Diagnosis of Early Carcinoma of Uterine Cervix : Concerning the Possibility for the Reduction of Diagnostic Conization
- 149. Study on Disturbance of Micturition after Radical Hysterectomy Analysis of Uropharmacology
- 195. Studies on the Neurogenic Bladder after Radical Hysterectomy : Significance of Preservation of the Pelvic Nerve Plexus
- Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokynetics of Vecuronium in Women Undergoing Cesarean Section
- Heterochromatic Polymorphism in Couples with Repeated Abortion
- A Study of Human Chromosomes Observed Scanning Electron Microscopy : A New Method by Long Time Giemsa Staining Technique
- ROLE OF HISTOHES IN THE PROGRESSION OF DEVELOPMENT OF STARFISH BLASTULAE.(Developmental Biology)(Proceedings of the Sixty-Second Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- 239. Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA_1) Levels in Pregnancy
- 25. Pancreatic Exocrine of Pregnant DM Women and Pancreatic Blood Flow Volume
- 9. The Uterine Blood Flow Volume in IUGR
- 350. Ultrastructural Comparison between IUD-attached Endometrium and IUD-non-attached Endometrium
- 7. The Treatment of the aged Cervical Cancer
- 117. (Abstract is not available)
- 250. Role of Cortisol in Neonatal Glucose Metabolism
- 136. Colposcopic Findings in Ia Stage of Uterine Cervical Cancer : Recognition of Early Infiltration by Colposcopy
- Critical Cell Number as a Radioresistant Facttors of Uterine Adenocarcinoma
- 146. Immune Reaction between Maternal and Fetal Tissues at the Nidatory Site of Tubal Pregnancy
- 165. Prognostic Significance of Lymphocytic Infiltration in Cervical Canter
- 143. Studies on the Histogenesis of Cervical Adenocarcinoma
- 186. Differential Diagnosis of Cervical Lesions by Colposcopy
- 77. Opportunistic Infection in Pregnancy (New Estimated Antibacterial Substance)