31p-PS-70 La_2NiO_4へのSr添加とNiのスピン状態
27pJ-1 La_Sr_xCuO_4(x=0.04〜0.06)における電気抵抗率の異方的圧力効果
3p-S3-9 CeMIn系(M=Ni,Pd,Pt)単結晶の低温電気抵抗及び帯磁率
26p-PSA-14 (La_Sr_x)_2NiO_4系のラマン散乱III
5a-YG-1 Ce_2Fe_の示す巨大磁気抵抗
22pSG-6 圧力効果 : LSCOにおける格子歪みと超伝導を中心に
29a-L-11 圧力効果から見たLa_Sr_xCuO_4の2次元性と超伝導
28p-PSA-11 不純物散乱効果からみたLa_Sr_xCuO_における異方的伝導機構
29p-PSB-60 UNiGeの圧力下における磁気相転移
p-9 圧力下におけるLa_Sr_xCuO_4単結晶の面間伝導(第43回物性若手夏の学校(1998年度),講義ノート)
27a-YD-3 La_Sr_XCuO_4における異方的伝導の不純物散乱効果
30p-R-10 La_Sr_CuO_4単結晶におけるc軸方向の磁束相関の発達
28p-PSA-8 TSFZ法によるLa_Sr_xCuO_4の単結晶育成とその結晶性
30a-P-7 La_Nd_ySr_xCuO_4(y=0.2,0.4)のESR
Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of CeMg_2Cu_9 under Pressure(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
18pYD-2 UCu_2Snの熱膨張
31a-W-9 UNiSnの圧力相図
17pYB-2 モット絶縁体Ca_2RuO_4の圧力下比熱
30pYL-12 単結晶Nd_Ce_CuO_4の歪み応答
30aYM-1 モット絶縁体Ca_2RuO_4の圧力効果
23aSG-12 超伝導体-絶縁体境界組成域La_Sr_xCuO_4における電気抵抗率の異方的圧力効果
29a-L-10 La_Sr_xCuO_4における超伝導性と結晶構造の関係
27a-YD-2 圧力効果から見たLa_Sr_XSuO_4の異方的電気伝導機構
31a-P-11 La_Sr_xCuO_4の異方的電気伝導の圧力効果とSr濃度依存性
30p-PSA-46 圧力誘起正方晶La_Sr_xCuO_4での超伝導移転温度と面間伝導
8a-W-9 高圧下におけるLa_Sr_xCuO_4の異方的電気伝導
31pWA-1 カルコゲナイドスピネル化合物 CuRh_2S_4 の圧力誘起超伝導-絶縁体転移
27p-APS-16 (La_Sr_x)_2NiO_4系のラマン散乱 II
27p-PS-59 (La_Sr_x)_2NiO_4系のラマン散乱
Correlation between superconductivity and in-plane resistivity in La_Sr_xCuO_4(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
Unconventional Strain Dependence of Superconductivity in Spin-Triplet Superconductor Sr_2RuO_4
19aTE-2 La_Sr_xCuO_4単結晶におけるCuO_2面内電気抵抗率の圧力効果
18aYD-8 2次元性化合物CeMg_2T_9 (T=Ni, Cu)の異常物性
30aYK-9 近藤半導体CeRhAsの相転移と熱電物性
29pYL-14 La_Sr_xCuO_4における半導体相でのトンネル分光
Existence of Co^ Low-Spin State in TbBaCo_2O_(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
In-phase and anti-phase interference fringes in Laue case
X-ray Interference Fringe of Bragg-(Bragg)^m-Laue Case(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
In-phase and Anti-phase Interference Fringes in Rocking Curves of Resonant X-ray Dynamical Diffraction(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
Amplification of reflected X-ray beams by the mirage effect
Formation of interference fringes in the Bragg-(Bragg)[m]-Laue mode
Bragg-(Bragg)[m]-Laue diffraction and its interference fringe
7a-K-7 Ru酸化物のNMR/NQR
27a-ZB-7 Th_3Ni_3Sn_4の超伝導
27p-APS-17 La_Th_yBa_xCuO_4における構造相転移と超伝導
15p-R-11 CeRhSbのエネルギーギャップ II
Transport and Magnetic Studies on the Spin State Transition of Pr_Ca_xCoO_3 up to High Pressure(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
30p-A-10 La_Nd_yBa_xCuO_4の低温正方晶相と高温超伝導
31p-PS-114 Nd_Ce_xCuO_の熱処理と超伝導特性
6p-PS-39 Bi-Sr-(Ca,M)-Cu-Oにおける超伝導と磁性
随想2題 : 隠れた内部構造 低温と研究のフロンティア
Magnetic Structures of High Temperature Phases of TbBaCo_2O_ (Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
31p-PS-113 (La_xSr_) TiO_3の電気抵抗の異常
6a-Y-1 SrTiO_3関連物質の超伝導
5a-S3-13 UTX系(T=遷移金属,X=非遷移金属)の磁性と伝導
4p-B-5 CeCu_6の比熱と高濃度近藤効果
27p-PS-54 La_Ba_xCuO_4:H_zの構造転移と超伝導
27p-PS-53 La_Ba_Sr_yCuO_4の低温比熱
Group Delay of a Coupled-Defect Waveguide in a Photonic Crystal
^59Co-NMR Studies on La_4Co_3O_10+δ(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
Cu NQR Study on the "Wipeout" Phenomenon in YBa_2Cu_3O_y : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
Transport and Magnetic Properties of R_A_xCoO_3 (R = La, Pr and Nd; A = Ba, Sr and Ca)
Ru-NMR Studies and Specific Heat Measurements of Bi_3Ru_3O_ and La_4Ru_6O_ (Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
31p-PS-70 La_2NiO_4へのSr添加とNiのスピン状態
4p-B-8 CeCu_2とCeNi_5の磁性
29a-P-9 Ce_xLa_Cu_6の比熱 II
27p-PS-52 (La, Sr)_2NiO_4と(La, Sr)_2CuO_4の示す物性の比較
6p-Z-15 La-Sr-Ni-Oの磁気的性質
5a-PS-45 YbInCu_4の価数揺動状態 II
Phase determination of crystal structure factor using measured rocking curves
高温超電導材料I : 銅酸化物高温超電導体
Pressure-induced Superconductivity in UIr(Condensed matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
2p-PS-4 Ce_xLa_Cu_6の磁場中比熱(磁性(重い電子,価数謡動))
6aPS-1 希土類金属間化合物CeMg2Cu9の比熱(4f・5f電子系,重い電子系,遷移金属酸化物,領域8)
2p-PS-10 CeTIn(T=Pt,Pd,Ni)の低温比熱(磁性(重い電子,価数謡動))
27p-LF-8 CePdInの比熱(磁性)
1p-YJ-2 La_Sr_xCuO_4の電気伝導率の圧力効果(1pYJ 低温(高温超伝導・輸送現象,置換効果),低温)
2p-PS-6 CeCu_6の磁場中比熱の異方性(2p PS 磁性(近藤格子等))
30a-PS-7 Ce_xLa_Cu_6の比熱(磁性(価数揺動))
29p-PS-3 CexLa_Cu_6の低温比熱(磁性ポスターセッション)
31a-PS-4 (La_Sr_x)_2NiO_4の低温比熱(31a PS 低温(酸化物超伝導))