S-38 A logistic analysis of prenatal parameters for prediction of blood pH in IUGR fetuses
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1998-02-20
Chiba Y.
National Cardiovascular Center
National Cardiovascular Center
National Cardiovascular Center
National Cardiovascular Center
National Cardiovascular Center
National Cardiovascular Center
National Cardiovascular Center
National Cardiovascular Center
National Cardiovascular Center
- O-67 Uniparental disomy related to developmental abnormalities and abortions in humans
- S-38 A logistic analysis of prenatal parameters for prediction of blood pH in IUGR fetuses
- 132 Quasi real-time stereoscopic presentation of color flows in ultrasonography.
- 554 Successful surgical management of fetal obstructive uropathy.
- 466 The application for assessment of placental perfusion using digital subtraction angiography (DSA).
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- 167 Evaluation of the Preload Condition of the Fetus Inferior Vena Caval Blood Flow Pattern.
- 161 Newly developed distance fetal monitoring system.
- 460 Evaluation of cardiac pump function of having cardiac disorder and normally-developed human fetus.
- 398 Management of 12 pregnancies with Eizemenger's syndrome.
- 197 The relationship of fetal blood gases and pH to Dopper investigations of fetal circulation.
- 432 Evaluation of fetal structural heart disease using color flow mapping.
- 391 The Prediction of Respiratory Distress Syndrome with Multivariable Analysis.
- 190 On developing the on-line expert system for neonatal intensive care monitoring.
- 168 Effects of cardiopulmonary bypass during pregnancy on a fetuses : acute animal model.
- 160 The indication of therapeutic medication and surgical approach for suffering fetus and its management in our institute.
- 535. Pulsatile Index and Conductance in the Simulation Model of the Fetoplacental Circulation
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- 372. Antepartum Evaluation of Feto-maternal Circulatory Reserve in High Risk Pregnancy by the Contraction Stress Test
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- 238. A Study of the Pulsation in the Umbilical Venous Blood Flow
- 237. Quantative Analysis of Drug Effects on Fetal Circulation with Pulsed Doppler Ultrasound
- 327. Measurements of the Basilar Arterial Blood Flow Velocity in the Human Fetus and Newborn
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