127 The Histologic Evaluation and Treatment of Occlusion of the Tubal Pars Interstitialis : Tubo Uterine Anastomosis
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1990-08-01
Yamada Y.
Dept. of Environmental Technology, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Odawara City Hosp.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Yokohama City Univ. Sch. Med.
Hayakawa Y.
Dept. and Gynec., Nihon Univ. Sch. Med.
Takagi S.
Dept. and Gynec., Nihon Univ. Sch. Med.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Sch. Med., Nihon Univ.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Nihon Univ. Sch. Med.
Hirata Y.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Nihon Univ. Sch. Med.
Takagi S.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Nihon Univ. Sch. Med.
Nakamura H.
Dept. of Obst. and Gynec., Nihon Univ. Sch. Med.
Tsubata K.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Nihon Univ. Sch. Med.
Akamine K.
Dept. Of Obst. And Gynec. Nihon Univ. Sch. Med.
Osada H.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Nihon Univ. Sch. Med.
Osada H.
Dept. Obst & Gynec. Kimitsu Central Hosp.
Akamine K.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Sch. Med. Nihon Univ.
Akamine K.
Dept. Obst & Gynec. Saitama Med. Sch.
Takagi S.
Dept. Obst. And Gync. Nihon Univ. Sch. Med.
Satoh K.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Nihon Univ. Sch. Med.
- Resonance Behavior in Ferrofluid with Oscillatory Shear Flow
- 444. A Study on LH Release and Desensitization Using a Superfusion System with Beads Attached Pituitary Cells
- 157.The Clinical Effects of Non-amphetamine Appetite Suppressant on Obese Women with Menstrual and Ovulatory Disturbances : XXVII Endocrinology : Clinical Aspects(III)
- 193 The Significance of hypoxic stress as stimuli for erythroid production in the fetus.
- 109 Umbilical venous blood gas analysis in normal pregnancies.
- 458 The Vibroacoustic Stimulation Test (VAST) and its effects on fetal movement, heart rate and habituation.
- 171 An evaluation of the dissociation of behavioral state and electro encephalogram in fetus sheep.
- 74 The Clinical Singnificance of Fetal Blood Sampling.
- 436 Electrical Uterine Activity in Pre-term Contractions.
- 183 Human fetal response to Vibro Acoustic Stimulation test (VAST) near term.
- 139. The Clinical Significance Intrauterine Fetal Blood Sampling
- 539. Clinical Evaluation of the Analysis of Abdominal Surface Potentials (ASP) during Uterine Contractions
- 155. The Role of the Fetal Acoustic Stimulation Test (FAST) in the Clinical Assessment of Fetal Well Being
- 79. Effect of Fetal Behavioral States on FHR Accerelation (ACC) and Deceleration (DCC)
- 182.A Study of Prostaglandin Biosynthesis in Human Umbilical Vessels : XXXI Endocrinology : Clinical Aspects(VII)
- Three-Dimensional Integration of Fully Depleted SOI Devices
- Filling of Tungsten into Deep Trench Using Time-Modulation CVD Method
- Deep Trench Etching in SOI Wafer for Three-Dimensional LSIs
- 202 The clinical significance of vibroacoustic stimulation test (VAST) as a method of assessing cerebral cortical function.
- 2 Immunohistochemical study of c-myc and c-erbB-2 oncogene products in uterine cervical cancers.
- 352 Protein kinase c activities in human endometrium.
- 308 Effect of gonadotropins on the Protein kinase C activity of the malignant ovarian neoplasms.
- 56. Pulsatile Release of Oxytocin (OT) in Normal Pregnant Women
- 289. Modification of Dopaminergic Function in Hypothalamic-pituitary System by Estrogen
- 380. Significance of Sex Steroids, Prostaglandins and Oxytocin in Blood and Myometrium at Pre-, and Post Implatation
- 162. Studies on the Control Mechanism of Ca^ -Mg^ ATPase in Uterine Smooth Muscle during Pregnancy and at Parturition
- 73.Relationship of Catecholestrogens and Catecholamines in Pregnancies with Toxemia Gravidarum : XII Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(III)
- 59.The Distribution of Oxytocin-prostaglandin in Human Amnion and Myometria in Term Pregnancies : X Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(I)
- 353.Materno-fetal Arginine Vasopressin-prostaglandin Dynamics in Toxemic Pregnancies : XXXXXIX Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(IX)
- 186.The Effect of Insulin on Myometrial Glycogenesis in Labor at the Receptor Level : XXXI Endocrinology : Clinical Aspects(VII)
- 155. The Dynamics of Estradiol-17β and Progesterone Receptors in Human Uterus during Pregnancy and at Parturition
- 292. Clinical Significance of Early Second-look Laparoscopy after Laparotomy
- 132. Successful Ovulation Induction and Pregnancy Following Combination Therapy of Clomiphene Citrate and Tamoxifen, with Special Reference to the Comparison with Clomiphene Citrate Alone
- 117. Measurement of Sperm Movement by Multiple-exposure Photography and its Clinical Significance
- 140. Rapid Diagnosis of Prenatal Sex Determination Using Human Y Chromosome-specific DNA Probe
- 95 Studies on the experimental Chlamydia trachomatis salpingitis in rabbits.
- 352 Results of the pregnancy and parturition in mother with Chlamydia trachomatis antibodies.
- 437 Detection of IgM antibody against Chlamydia in newborns as an examination of Chlamydia trachomatis infection of the birth canal.
- A method for simultaneous observation of peptides immunofluorescence and labelled dye tracer (modified Zamboni's method).
- 398 Genetic identification of the responsible pregnancies for choriocarcinomas following multiple pregnancies by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis.
- 23 Effect of recombinant Granulocyte Stimulating Factor (rG-CSF) and recombinant Erythropoietin (rEPO) on the ploliferation of gynecological cultured tumor cells.
- 114 Effect of the surfactant like phospholipids in the tubal endothelial cell and their secretory products.
- 127 The Histologic Evaluation and Treatment of Occlusion of the Tubal Pars Interstitialis : Tubo Uterine Anastomosis
- 69 An ultrastructural evaluation of a Surfactant-like (Sf) substance in the human endometrium.
- 449 Early second look laparoscopy (ESLL) after conservative operations to prevent postoperative adhesions.
- 135. The Occasion of Interstitial Tubal Occlusions and its New Approaches in the Treatment
- 260.Analysis of Delay in Diagnosis of Adenocarcinoma of the Uterine Cervix : Review of Previous Cervical Smears and Clinicopathological Features in 14 Patients : XXXXIV Diagnosis and Examination(II)
- 95. Changes in FHR-variability during Labor
- 89.Studies of the Amniotic PRL Regulating the Flow of Water and Electrolytes in Amniotic Fluid : XV Fetus and Neonate(V)
- 42 An in vitro Experimental Model for Cancer-Epithelial Surface Interaction Using Human Amnion.
- 42.Changes of Prolactin Binding Sites in Adrenals, Kidneys, Lungs and Livers of Female Rats during Sexual Maturation : VII Endocrinology(I)
- 43. Electron Microscopic Study of the Estrogeninduced Rat Prolactinoma
- 273. Changes of Anterior Pituitary Dopaminergic Receptors and Hypothalamic Dopamine in Rats with Estrogen-induced Pituitary Tumor
- MOLECULAR ANALYSIS OF A PROTEIN IN THE EGG OF THE HERMATYPIC CORAL, FAVITES CHINENSIS(Biochemistry)(Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- 130 The clinical application of ABPM in obstetric patient.
- 322. Identification of Proliferating Cells in Normal and Malignant Cervical Tissues
- An Experimental Evaluation of a New Type of Fiber Post and Composite Resin Core System (i-TFC) using Bovine Teeth
- 28. Androgenesis as a Cause of Hydatidiform Mole
- 96. The Difference for Mechanism of Manifestation of Efficiency between MPA and Danazol to the Adenocarcinoma Cells of Endometrium in vitro
- 101. Ultrasonic Observation of Human Ovulation Correlated with LH Surge
- 182. Mechanism of PG Biosynthesis in Ovulation
- 16. Factors of Microcirculation in Fetus in Pre-eclampsia
- 333.Analysis of Energy Metabolism in the Human Endometrium : XXXXXVI Sterility and Family Planning(III)
- 327.Effects of HCG. Estradiol and Progesterone on Mouse Oocyte Maturation in vitro : XXXXXV Sterility and Family Planning(II)
- 175.Biosynthesis of Progesterone in the Placental Villi throughout Pregnancy in Organ Culture : XXX Endocrinology : Clinical Aspects(VI)
- 13.The Regulation of Prostaglandin F_ Release from the Pseudopregnant Rabbit Uterus in Luteolysis : III Endocrinology : Basic Aspects(III)
- 245.Quantitative Evaluation of FHR Variability Indices : XXXXI ME(IV)
- 175. Quick Safe Warming of Peritoneal Irrigation Solution, Infusion Solution and Blood
- 315 Effects of FSH and Gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist (GNRHa) on ovarian cancer cell growth and invasiveness.
- Magnetic Critical Behavior of γ-Fe/Cu Multilayer
- 17. Significance of 17α,20α-P_4 in Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH)
- 280 Diagnosis of early malignant ovarian tumors by MRI plus CT.
- 258 Concentration of CA-125, ThromboxaneB_2 and 6 keto-PGF_1 α levels in serum and tissues of women with endometriosis.
- 98 A study of the CDDP dosage for progressive ovarian cancer with reference to alteration of blood coagulation during remission therapy applied to patients with a recurrence.
- 127. Microelectrophoretic Estrogen Effect on Unit Activity of the Rat Brain and Chemical Application under Microscopic Neuronal Observation
- 110. (Abstract is not available)
- 119. Active Transport Mechanism of Calcium in the Human Placenta : Calcium Binding Proteins
- 83. Luteolytic Effect of Endogenous PG F_ on Pseudopregnant Rabbit
- 237. Physiological Role of Prostaglandin F_ in Labor and Puerperium
- 208. Urinary Plasmin Levels in Toxemia of Pregnancy
- 194. Condyloma Accuminatum of the Vulva (Flat Type)
- 48. Significance of Prostanoid Synthesis in Feto-placental Compartment in Relation to Toxemic Pregnancy
- Microleakage of Composite-restored Cavities Prepared by Drill or Air-abrasion
- 527 Increased expression of c-myc protooncogene in periperal lymphocytes in patients with preeclampsia.
- 486 Pregnant sera induce selective granulocytic differentiaton of HL60 cells.
- 347. A Study on the Intensification of Antitumor Activity in Cervical Carcinoma Patients by Preoperative Administration of a Biological Response Modifier (BRM)
- 113. Activity of and Response to Interleukin 2 (IL-2) of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Leukocytes (PBL) in Cervical Cancer
- 284.Localization of Lymphocyte Subpopulation in Human Uterine Cervical Cancer Used by Indirect Immunofluorescent Technique with Monoclonal Antibodies : XXXXVIII Malignant Tumor(VIII)
- 106.Suppressor Activity of Cord Blood T Cell Subsets through Dialysis Membrane : XVIII Immunology(III)
- 224. Studies on Specific Cell-mediated Cytotoxicity against Human Autologous Tumor (Cervical Cancer)
- 423. Comparative Study of Arachidonic Acid Metabolism in Implanted and Non-implanted Endometrium of Pregnant Mouse
- 104. Levels of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D_3 and Serum Ionized Ca in the Feto-placental Unit
- 380. Retrospective and Prospective Study of Intragravidauterine Culture Affecting Premature Labor
- 526 The difference in adult and fetal platelets aggregation.
- 140 Morphological and Functional Study of Rat Implantation Site.
- 528. (Abstract is not available)
- 144. Medium for IVF-ET: Ultrafiltrated Fetal Serum for Fetal Cells
- 390. New Side Effect of Ferric Oxide Saccharated: Fanconi Syndrome Induced by Japan-specific Parenteral Iron Drug
- 179. Severe Cancer Pains Relieved by a Simple Portable Waterproof Microautoinjector