- 論文の詳細を見る
The G-protein signaling pathway is one of the most important mechanisms for signal transduction. Receptor activation facilitates nucleotide exchange and dissociation of the G-protein, releasing the Gα subunit in its GTP-bound state from the Gβγ complex. Activated Gα subunit can stimulate a variety of target enzymes, including phopholipase C and adnylyl cyclase, which are known to modulate myometrial quiescence and contraction. Hundreds of G-protein coupled receptors have been identified. These receptors share a common architecture containing seven membranes-spanning segments. The seven trans-membrane spanning G-protein coupled receptors distributed large variety of tissues, including reproductive organs. Interestingly, many agents, which are thought to modulate myometrial activities (e. g., β-adrenergic agents, parathyroid hormone related protein (PTHrP), oxytocin, and prostaglandin) act thorough G-protein coupled receptors. In this investigation, we evaluated the regulation of expression and function of G-proteins in human myometrial tissues. Myometrial tissues were collected from the patients who agreed to participate in this study at the time of cesarean section. RT-PCR and Western blot analysis indicated that human myometrium in pregnancy express several G-protein alpha subunit isoforms, GαS, Gαq, and Gαi. Incubation of myometrial membrane with PTHrP and oxytocin increased radio labeled GTP binding to Gαs and Gαq subunit respectively. Our findings also indicated that isoproterenol, ritodrine hydrochloride, carcitonin gene related protein, and prostaglandin F2α act thorough activation of G-protein alpha subunits. Expression and GTP binding activity of Gαs subunit decreased according to increase of uterine activity, even before on set of labor. Administration of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) followed by PTHrP on myometrial cells in culture diminished adenylyl cyclase activity, relative to cells treated with PTHrP only. The effect of TGF-β blocked by pertussis toxin, which indicate that TGF-β act on adenylyl cyclase thorough activation of Gαi subunit. In the preliminary study, estradiol down-regulated the activity of PTHrP stimulated [^<35>S] GTP-γS bindings to Gαs subunit in myometrial membrane. The present study suggests that the seven trans-membrane spanning G-protein coupled receptors and heterotrimeric G-proteins modulate signal transduction of various agents, which affect myometrial quiescence and contraction. The elucidation of the molecular mechanism that control the expression and function of G-proteins may, in the future, lead to better therapies in the treatment of labor-associated disorders.
- 2000-08-01
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