新生児・乳児におけるGastroesophageal Reflux の診断的検討 : とくに上部・下部食道2点同時pH測定を中心として
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Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER) has been incriminated as a cause of respiratory symptoms and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) in newborns and infants. Upper G.I. series, esophageal manometric studys, and distal esophageal pH monitoring have been used to assess the significance of GER. However, these methods gave only slight informations regarding the diagnosis of GER to the upper portion of the esophagus. In the present investigation, upper and distal esophageal pH monitoring was done in newborns and infants. Nienteen patients with asymptomatic GER, and ten patients GER with respiratory symptoms or near miss SIDS were evaluated in this study. 1) From the results of two-points pH monitoring, GER was assumed to be present in cases with pH score above 8 points in the distal esophagus and 6 points in the upper esophagus. 2) Distal esophageal pH monitoring is one of the most useful methods in diagnosis of GER. 3) GER to the upper esophagus which causes respiratory symptoms and SIDS was presumed by distal esophageal pH monitoring to some extent. Direct upper esophageal pH monitoring, however, was more valuable to assess the GER up to the upper esophagus. 4) Seventeen patients with GER alone were treated concervatively by general management. And seven patients with respirator respiratory symptoms or near miss SIDS were treated conservatively also, but with intravenous hyperalimentation (IVH). All of them had good clinical results and GER disappeared after these therapy.
- 日本小児外科学会の論文
- 1987-06-20
- 小児副腎皮質癌の5自験例と本邦報告例の検討
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- 示-89 高齢者微小膵癌の一例(第29回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- 15.小児上部消化管内視鏡施行例の検討(第11回日本小児内視鏡研究会)
- 4.小児GER診断の検討(食道・GER(1), 第14回小児消化管内圧研究会)
- 4.肥厚性幽門狭窄症における食道内圧及びPH測定の検討(主題I 肥厚性幽門狭窄症と食道内圧(2), 第13回小児消化管内圧研究会)
- 108 乳児のgastroesophageal refluxに対するgastric emptying time 測定の検討
- 67 Aganglionosis と類似疾患の直腸肛門反射 : とくに電気刺激法の検討
- 33 肥厚性幽門狭窄症における術前術後の食道内圧・pH検査の検討
- 胃全摘により治癒したMenetrier病の1例
- 19.嚢胞腎に合併した難治性腹水に対し LeVeen shunt 形成を行った1症例(第20回日本小児外科学会関東甲信越地方会)
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- 新生児・乳児におけるGastroesophageal Reflux の診断的検討 : とくに上部・下部食道2点同時pH測定を中心として
- 5 小児の胃・食道逆流現象に対する上部・下部食道内2点同時pH測定の検討