神経芽腫診断における^(131)I-MIBG シンチグラフィの臨床経験
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In order to prove the clinical usefulness in diagnosis of neuroblastoma, comparative studies between iodine-131 metaiodobenzylguanidine (131^I-MIBG) scintigraphy and other related tumor markers were attempted. Sixteen children diagnosed as having a neuroblastoma in recent 2 years were examined. In 5 postoperative patients in complete remission, who were negative to other tumor markers, showed no pathological accumulation of 131^I-MIBG (specificity 100%). In other 11 patients with remains of neuroblastoma, 131^I-MIBG were negative only in 2 patients (sensitivity 82%) and these 2 patients showed negative urinary excretion of cathecholamim metabolites (VMA). (Negative urinary VMA was proved in 3 of 11 patients). Serum neuron-specific enolase (NSE) was elavated in all 8 preoperative patients, but only in 2 of 11 postoperative patients. On the other hand, 131^I-MIBG was positive in 9 among these 11 postoperative patients in whom neuroblastoma remained. Similar relationship was obtained between 131^I-MIBG scintigraphy and serum LDH. On the basis of our present experience, we like to regard 131^I-MIBG scitigraphy as one of the most sensitive parameters for neuroblastoma during a follow-up period after treatment.
- 日本小児外科学会の論文
- 1989-02-20
大沢 義弘
山際 岩雄
岩淵 真
新潟大学 小児外科
岩淵 眞
岩淵 眞
小田野 幾雄
小田野 幾雄
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