30p-PSA-23 偏極移行量D_<NN>(0°)測定による原子核のスピン・アイソスピン励起
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1994-09-12
Koori N
Faculty Of Integrated Arts And Sciences The University Of Tokushima
Greenfield M.b.
International Christian University
Fujita S
Department Of Electronic Science And Engineering Kyoto University
Uesaka T
Department Of Cellular Biology Research Institute For Radiation Biology And Medicine Hiroshima Unive
Okamura H
Department Of Reproductive Medicine And Surgery Kumamoto University Graduate School Of Medical Scien
Ishida S
Department Of Biological Science Tohoku University
Wakasa T
Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
Sakai H
Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
Hatanaka K
Reserch Center for Nuclear Physics , Osaka University
Otsu H
Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
Sakamoto N
Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
Satou Y
Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
Okihana A
Kyoto University of Education
Hatanaka K
RCNP, Osaka University
Koori N
The University of Tokushima
Otsu H
Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo
Okamura H
Department Of Anatomy Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
Fujita S
Department Of Biosciences And Informatics Keio University
Sakai H
Department Of Applied Aquabiology National Fisheries University
Ishida S
Department Of Biofunctional Science Faculty Of Agriculture And Life Science Hirosaki University
Wakasa T
Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo
Sakamoto N
Department Of Biological Science Graduate School Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Uesaka T
Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo
Otsu H
Department Of Physics Tohoku University
Hatanaka K
Rcnp Osaka University
Okamura H
Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo
- 26aSK-9 一粒子移行反応連続スペクトル部の直接反応モデル解析
- 26aSk-6 392 MeV の陽子入射による^C(p, P'x)反応からの連続スペクトルの測定
- 30a-G-12 392 MeV p+^C 反応からの陽子連続スペクトル
- Application of Tail Subtraction Technique with Particle Identification to a Stacked Spectrometer for Intermediate Energy Protons
- 8p-H-6 中間エネルギー領域に於けるGSO(Ce)スペクトロメータの開発
- 7a-G-6 (p, d)反応の連続スペクトル部における深部空孔状態の強度分布II
- 27p-SF-8 積層型NaI(Tl)スペクトロメータによる^C(p, p')の二重微分断面積の測定
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- 30p-R-11 中間エネルギー陽子に対する積層型検出器の応答特性
- 30p-PSA-26 核子移行反応より決定した^Ca、^Caの中性子軌道占有率
- 4a-J-10 (d, p), (p, d)反応から得られた1粒子・空孔状態の分散幅と中性子ポテンシャル虚数部
- 29p-PSB-48 中間エネルギー陽子用NaI(TI)結晶スペクトロメータの開発
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- The ^C(p, p'3α)Breakup Reaction Induced by 14, 18 and 26 MeV Protons
- Spreading Widths of Deeply Bound Hole States in Medium Weight Nuclei
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- S-1-4 Tumorigenicity by monoenergetic neutron in B6C3F1 mice(Present and Future of Researches on Biological Effects of Neutrons, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Damage of the Mouse Testis by Tritiated Water and ^Cs-γ-Rays
- MCL1 inhibits apoptotic cell death in hematopoietic cells after exposure to gamma-rays or etoposide
- 8p-CD-6 Fragmentation of the stretched 7^+and stretched 4-statea inNi isotopes.
- 1p-PS-17 RAIDEN用1.8mSWP.Cの使用の試み
- 30p-EC-8 (p^^-,^3He)反応による深部2空孔状態の探索
- 4a-BF-5 (p^^→, d)反応によるMo, Pd奇同位体核のレベル構造 : 単空孔状態分布のデータ処理
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- 11a-KB-3 ^Sn(p,d)反応 : 深部空孔状態のSpectroscopic Strength Functions
- 30a-KM-11 ^Mo(P^^→, d)反応による^Moレベル構造
- 8p-CD-18 63MeVにおけるD(n,p)2n反応による中性子散乱長
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- 4a-C-2 (d,p)反応によるCa同位体核の単空孔状態の研究
- 1p-H-5 (p,d)反応による^Caの深部空孔状態に関する研究
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- A Computer-Simulation Model for Self-Quenching Streamer (SQS) Propagation Induced by Ionization Track of Alpha-Ray
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- Characterization of the ZK1 gene that mediates apoptotic cell death induced by various stresses.
- 3a-NG-11 ^Sn(p,d)反応:Deeply Bound Hole Statesの高分解能測定
- 1a-SF-12 ^Sn,^Sn(p,d)反応 : Deeply Bound Hole Stateの高分解能測定
- 1a-SF-11 ^Sn(p,d)反応 : 0〜3MeV hale statesの高分解能測定
- WIMPs Search by Means of the Highly Segmented Scintillator(Geophysics, Astronomy and Astrophysics)
- (\vec{d},p)反応による41Caの単粒子状態の研究
- 30p-PSA-23 偏極移行量D_(0°)測定による原子核のスピン・アイソスピン励起
- 29p-G-2 中性子スピン分光器(Neutron Polarimeter NPOL II)
- Gastric Tumor Induction by 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine in Wistar Rats with Intestinal Metaplasia Caused by X-Irradiation
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- 13p-PS-4 (p^^→, d)反応による^Niの単粒子状態の研究
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- Comparative Study of Photoluminescence Dynamics of Tris (8-hydroxyquinoline) Aluminum-Based Organic Miltilayer Structures with Different Types of Energy Lineups
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- Optical Properties of Aluminumquinoline-Oxadiazole Codeposited Luminescent Layers
- A novel zinc finger type transcription factor gene, ZK7,induced by VEGF in leukemia cell line,CMK86, inhibit radiation or chemotherapeutic agent induced apoptotic cell death.
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- Mongolian Gerbils are not Susceptible to Induction of Intestinal Metaplasia in Gastric Mucosa by X-Irradiation
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- 第5回「科学と生活のフェスティバル」の報告
- Ferroelectric and Pyroelectric Properties of Ba_Pb_x Ti_(Hf_,Zr_)_O_3 Thin Films : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Ferroelectric SrxBa1-xNb2O6 Synthesized by YAG Laser Deposition
- Preparation and Ferroelectric Properties of BaTiO3 Related Thin Films
- Preparation and Ferroelectric Properties of Ti-Site Substituted BaTiO_3 Thin Films
- The Role of Growth Rates and Buffer Layer Structures for Quality Improvement of Cubic GaN Grown on GaAs
- Properties and Degradation of Polarization Reversal of Soft BaTiO_3 Ceramics for Ferroelectric Thin-Film Devices
- Plasma-Deposited Silicon Nitride Films from SiF_2 as Silicon Source
- Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition of Fluorinated Silicon Nitride
- 3-10.Effect of neonatal estrogenic exposure on the endometrium of mPTEN heterozygous(+/-) mice(Session 4 Oncology 4)
- Roles of luteinizing hormone/chorionic gonadotropin receptor in anchorage-dependent and -independent growth in human ovarian surface epithelial cell lines
- An immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study of a follicle-stimulating hormone-secreting gonadotroph adenoma occurring in a 10-year-old girl
- Endometrial adenocarcinoma following the conservative treatment of an atypical polypoid adenomyoma
- Squamous cell characteristics in small cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix: histological, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural study in xenografted small cell carcinoma
- 5a-E-5 (p, n)準弾性散乱の偏極分解能測定
- 3a-E-2 大型2次元高効率中性子偏極度計の300MeVにおける較正
- Integrated Optical Pickup with Highly Sensitive Servo Signal Detection : Head Technology
- Integrated Optical Pickup with Highly Sensitive Servo Signal Detection
- Light Actions in the Germination of Cocklebur Seeds II. Possible Origin of the Diversity of Light Responses in Seed Germination
- malignant mesenchymal tumors of the ovary in three cases: histology, immunohistochemistry, and ultrastructural observations
- Interface Stress at ZnSe/GaAs:Cr Heterostructure
- Distribution and Fine Structure of Macrophages in the Human Ovary during the Menstrual Cycle, Pregnancy and Menopause
- ミストデポジション法による酸化マグネシウム(MgO)薄膜作製 : 大気圧下、低温成長への挑戦
- ZnOの基本物性と光デバイス応用
- Surface Treatment of Indium-Tin-Oxide Substrates and Its Effects on Initial Nucleation Processes of Diamine Films
- Immunohistochemical Localization of Epidermal Growth Factor and Its Effet on Granulosa Cell Proliferation in Rat Ovary
- Interface Stress at OMVPE-Grown ZnS_xSe_/GaAs:Cr Heterostructure : Surfaces, Interfaces and Films
- IS-65 In Vitro Growth and Differentiation of Human Cytotrophoblast Cells in Peritoneal Macrophage Culture Supernatant
- S-46 In vivo and in vitro degradation of human chorionic gonadotropin by macrophages.