Charge Variation Effects on Ion Acoustic Waves in Dusty Plasmas
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Linestr' disjcet'sion charatcteristics of' ion ?rc'otzstic XX ' 2lX'C,S in a dtzsty Pl2lS]]131 is sttudied in tlae fltmidttaodel. It is shoxvn th?tt chatrge x'ari;ttion of' dtrst particles has a destabilizing efl'ect of the xvave irxtl?e short xvaveleragtla region xvhere the electron Deb)'e slaieldirng of' the ion sparce claarge becotaaesincoztaplete. Secouudstr'y eJectrota eutaission effect is atJso inxzestigated ztzad the cJasrrge xxariattion isshoxx'n to ll21X70a destsrlcilizing effect stt ;tll xvstx'elengths except tlae longest orae, if' time dtrst pzrrticlesare jcositix'ely cluarged.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-09-15
Nishikawa K
Faculty Of Engineering Kinki University
Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima Kokusaigakuin University
Department of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science,Faculty of Engineering,Kinki University
Takaishi Takeshi
Faculty Of Engineering Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University
Nishikawa Kyoji
Department Of Applied Physics University Of Tokyo
Department of Applied Physics, Nagoya University:Institute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya University
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