Evolution of the Surface of Hill's Vortex Subjected to a Small Three-Dimensional Disturbance for the Cases of =0,2,3 and 4
- 論文の詳細を見る
The ptrrpose of' this sttrdy is to ex;ttaaine tlae response of Hill's vortex to sutaall three-ditaaensionaldisttrrb?tnces of azit'tatrthal ntrttabers m :: 0, 2, 3 ;rnd 4. Specifically, we f'octrs 0111 attention on theteraaporal evoltrtion of' its strrf'ace shape. ]NzIofI'att arad IVIoore (1978) ttsed the streamf'trt?ction f'orthe f'ortntrlation of' the probletaa for an axisyutatnetric disttrrbarnce (m :: 0), and obtained arm ap-proxiuaaate analytical soltrtion f'or strrf'ace slaape. To destl xvith three-ditnensional modes, XX'C utaustsolve tlae Etrler eqtration ntrutaerically itaside the core. First, COl11P21I1SOl1 us satusfactorily uaa?tde,in tlae axisynnnaetric case (m : 0), betxveen tlae approxinaaate analytical soltrtion of' ]VIof['att andllVIoore and the f'ortmtrl?rtion tusing velocity )cotential in time entire space. Ntun?erica1 cottaptrtationfor the disttrrbance witlu azitaatrthal IILIIIIT)(l)I rn : 2 is jcerf'oruned. It is fotund that as tiraae pro-ceeds. dotrble spike-like strtrcttrre is fornaaed ;rrotrnd tlae re?xr st?tgnation point. XVe point otrt that80111(Ill instability occurring near the ['ront stagn?ttion poirat, f'otrnd in tlae previotrs paper, is dtreto the lack of ntrtaaber of t,eruras in the expsrnsiota of' flue velocity field. Ftrrther nttrnericstl restrltsI'or 'tn : 3 ?tnd 4 SIIONV thatt a peak of initiarl strrf'?xce elevsttion tauoves downstresttaa toward the rearstagnation point f'ornaaing 21 rrt, spike-like strtrcttrre. A rotugla estitaaate suggests that the spikesgroxx' xvith tiuaae t approxiraaately 2lS e"", xvith cx being depetadetat 011 initi?t1 condition, iraaj.>lyittga f'ast developtaaent of' fine-sc?tle strtrcttrre ?trotrnd tl?e restr.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-09-15
- The Most Unstable Perturbation of Wave-Packet Form Inside Hill's Vortex
- Evolution of the Surface of Hill's Vortex Subjected to a Small Three-Dimensional Disturbance for the Cases of =0,2,3 and 4