Magnetic Properties of the 4 Sublattice Model for the Antiferro (AF) Quadrupolar Order Dominated by the AF Octupolar and AF Exchange Interactions-A Simple Model for Ceb_6-
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Tl?e iraconsistency betxveen the restrlts of lNIN'IR and ?aetrtrort scattering ira antiferro-qttadrtrpolar(AFQ) ordered phase II of' CeB0xvhicla retaaz?ined to be solved over 15 years xvas explairued recentlyby Sakai et at. by consideritag the O.. type AFQ or'deritag where flue T..,. AF octtrpolar irater;xctiottplays an essetatial role. Hoxvex'er, variotrs unutrstral rttagraetic properties of the AF taaagraetic p1a?tseIII and also jchase II sxt low naaagnetic fields laave remained to foe explaitaed. As a first step tottnderstand these utausual properties of' CeB5, xve luave carried out the rnean field calctmlsrtionfor tlae 4 strblattice unodel xvhere the sites ;rre divided itato txx'o O., qtradrtrjcolar sttblatticesdouaainated by tlae 'T..,.. AF octtrpolar' interaction ;ttad eatch of' tlaetaa is divided into two spirustnblattices. Regardless of' tlae siztaple 4 sttbl?tttice tanodel, tlae csr1ctrl?tted restrlts could reprodtrcenaost of' tlae tunustral magtuetic properties of CeB(j. Tlais strongly strggests that the O.. type AFQordering is realized in CeB.5 xvlaere botla J.... AF octtrpolar and AF exchange inter;tctions playessential roles.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-05-15
Sera Masafumi
Imr Tohoku University
SERA Masafumi
IMR,Tohoku University
KOBAYASHI Shinichirou
IMR,Tohoku University
Kobayashi Shinichirou
Imr Tohoku University