Lattice Dynamics and Structural Instabilities in Biphenyl Sulfone Derivatives
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Bis(4-chlorophenyl)strlfone (BCIPS) is one of the few orgttnic rno[ecvrlar solids ',vlxich exhibits adisplacive norttaal-incotmtt?ensurate phase tr'arnsition involving spatr;tl rnoc1vxl?ttxons of conforxaaational parauneters. In the present work, the rootm tetnperattrre Pll21SC of BCIPS W'LXS takerx LXS aprototype, in order to investigate the strtrcturatl stability of' a group of' ret?rted solids. Latticedynamics calculatiorts were performed in order to detect j.>ossil*le sof't mode inst?tbilities in thephonon dispersion branches. An atotaaistic setnietaapirical ajcpro?tch was adopted in lattice calcu-Nations, in addition to a semirigid molectrlarr naodel considering the possiT.oility of cotrjcling betweenlattice and low lying internal degrees of ['reedotaa. Also, free-tnolectnle equilibriutaa strtncture arnddynamics calculations were perf'orzaaed trsing ?tb initio 3-2lG' unethods, to evaluate the extentof conforrnational distortions of the nuolecule izt solid Pl12lS6. The contribtrtion of tlae internalpotential and the rnolectrlar packing on the l?tttice ir?stability of' BCIPS ;rnd related derivativesare discussed. The restrlts stmggest that a possible new gI0L1J) of' trnstaxble molectrl?tr solids witha COIIIIIIOII prototype packing at high tetaaperatture could be identified, in a sittration resenablingthe A2BX4 fanaily of ionic solids.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-02-15
Santos Maria
Instituto De Fisica Gleb Wataghin
Instituto de Fisica de Sao Carlos
Horacio C.
Instituto de Fisica de Sao Carlos
Carlos A.
Facultad de Matematica,Astronomia y Fisica
Instituto de Fisica de Sao Carlos
Panepucci Horacio
Instituto De Fisica De Sao Carlos Usp
Dos Santos
Institute Of Technology Research Of Sao Paulo
Panepucci Horacio
Instituto de Fisica de Sao Carlos
- Developmental steps of the human cervical spine : parameters for evaluation of skeletal maturation stages
- Lattice Dynamics and Structural Instabilities in Biphenyl Sulfone Derivatives
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