Electron Scattering and Pion Photoproduction on the Trinucleon
- 論文の詳細を見る
The electromagnetic forna factors and joion plaotojcrodtrction on the trintrcleon laave been c?rl-ctrlated trsing 111080118 (7T, p, ;) and barryons (,V, A) properties unodified by the presence of thenttclear naedrtttta. It is shoxvn that trse of' their rtaodified 1111880S and cotrpling constants bringsthe positions of the first rtainirntuun f'or tlae trintrcleon electroraaatgnetic ['0Il11 factors to a littlelower valtres of rnounentuna tr?tnsfer Q' and iurtproves consider?rbly the theoretical restrlts in theregnon of high taaonaentuntu tr?tnsfers. The pion plaotojcrodtuction on the triuatrcleon are consistentlyevaltrated xvith raaesons atnd baryons properties taaodified in the r'?trclear rneditruaa.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-08-15
- The Electric Dipole Amplitudes of the Neutral Pion Photoproduction on the Proton near Threshold
- Electron Scattering and Pion Photoproduction on the Trinucleon
- Nucleon Electromagnetic Properties Modified in Nuclear Medium