New Mechanism of Ionic Conductivity in Hydrogen-Bonded Crystals M_3H_(XO_4)_2[M=Rb,Cs,X=S,Se]
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A zaaodel for the unechaniszn of tonic condttctivity in the higla teraaperattrre p?traelastic phaseof NI3H(X04)2 [1NzI:Rb, Cs, XIS, Sel type cr3'sta1s is proposed. The key feattrres of' the coo-c+e>duction zauechanistn are the following; (l) two kinds of defect states, H2X0. and XO? ",are forrned tlaernt'nally by breakirag of a laydrogen-bond, (2) tlae H3X0S"' de['ect state and flueXOS " defect state nauove coherently f'rotau 21111 XO-4 tetrarl?edroru to a distant X04 as tlae restrltof strccessive proton ttrnneling arnorag hydrogen-bonds. The density of states arad the tnobilityare calctrlated for the colaerent naotions of these defect states by flue recttrsion unethod and tlaeKtrbo formtrla, respectively. The density of states shoxvs the characteristic f'eattrre of the Betlrelattice, i.e., the txvin peak strtrcttrre dtre to self-siraailarity, while the condtrctivity is obtained asan order of a magnitude of' 10 'Q 'CITI ' at the f'erroelastic trartasition ternperattrre, consistentwith experiuaaents.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-06-15
Ito Takuo
Institute Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Science University Of Tokyo
Institute of Physics,Graduate School of Science,Science University of Tokyo
Kamimura Hiroshi
Institute Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Science University Of Tokyo
- New Mechanism of Ionic Conductivity in Hydrogen-Bonded Crystals M_3H_(XO_4)_2[M=Rb,Cs,X=S,Se]
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