Influence of Dust-Charge Fluctuation on Coherent Structures in Magnetized,Inhomogeneous Dusty Plasmas
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In dtrsty plasraaas, the flucttra'ttion of' charge otu dust grains uaaay have a significant infltrenceon collective phenomena in the Pl2lSlT1O. XVe sttrdy this dtrst charging efl'ect on the electrostaticdrift flow in dtrsty plasnaas paying partictrlar atter'?tion to the f'orzaaation of quasi-stationarycoherent strtrctttres. Txvo regiutaes of different tinae scales, the Ton-drif't regitaae and the dtrst-driftregiza?e of rntrch loxver freqtreracy, are considered Icy deriving for each regitaae a pair of coupledeqtrations describing the terauporal change of' the streanaa ftrraction of drift flow and tlae dtrst-chargefluctttartion. For both regiuaaes, the ctrrrerat to dtrst grains must be staaall enotrgh to yield a qtrasistationary flow. In tl?e case of Ton-drift floxv, the stnall ctrrrent is consistent xvith the low levelexcitation of the charge fltrcttration, givitag no appreciable infltmence on the coherent structtrre.In dtrst-drift floxv the char"e fltrcttration with a finite atauplittrde may behave in phase with thepotential, acting to redtrce the incre?rse of tlae propagation speed of coherent vortices with thedtrst density reported earlier xvithotrt taking accotmnt of the dust-charging effect.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-06-15
Sato Masatomo
Department Of Physics And Atomic Energy Research Institute College Of Science And Engineering Nihon
Koide Noriko
Department Of Physics College Of Science And Technology Nihon University
Sato Masatomo
Department of Physics,College of Science and Technology,Nihon University
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