Disappearance of a Displacive Phase Transition in Crystalline Biphenyl by a Small Amount of Impurity
- 論文の詳細を見る
Effects of' an itatpurity on a displacive phase transition are exa?tained for crystalline biphenyl(BP) by adiabatic calorimetry. While the azaotaaaly iza the heat capacity remained trnchangedby 1% of naphthalene (NAP, the anon?aly disappeared at 1% of' 4,4'-difltrorobiphenyl (DFBP).The obsex'ved effect is disctrssed in relation to the localizattion of' the sof't-taaode. Two itnpuritiesdiffer in the existence/absence of' the txvisting degree of' f'reedorta that prodtuces the soft-ttaode.The DFBP uaaolecule weakly localizes the lattice vibrartion of' BP crystal over the wide rangeof distance. The localization by the NA rnolectrle is strong and only the close neighboring BPrnolecules are affected.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-05-15
Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Saito K
Research Center For Molecular Thermodynamics Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Misrocalorimetry Research Center,Fasulty of Science,Osaka University
SAITO Kazuya
Misrocalorimetry Research Center,Fasulty of Science,Osaka University
SARAI Michio
Misrocalorimetry Research Center,Fasulty of Science,Osaka University
Ikemoto I
Department Of Chemistry Tokyo Metropolitan University
Ikemoto Isao
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Ikemoto Isao
Department Of Chemistry Tokyo Metropolitan University
Yamamura Yasuhisa
Research Center For Molecular Thermodynamics Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Saito G
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Sorai M
Osaka Univ. Osaka
Department of Chemistry,Fasulty of Science,Tokyo Metropolitan University
Sorai Michio
Misrocalorimetry Research Center,Fasulty of Science,Osaka University
Ikemoto Isao
Department of Chemistry and Research Center for Spectrochemistry, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo
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