Theoretical Analysis of Shape Transformations of Liposomes Caused by Microtubule Assembly
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When a cytoskeletal protein, tubulin, is enclosed inside a liposorne and the tubulin moleculesassemble to form microtubules, a spherical liposome transforms into a rttgby-ball shape due tothe mechanical force generated by the microtubule assembly. TYrbular projections of mernbranethen grow from both ends of the rugby-ball liposome, and finally the liposorne transforms into acharacteristic shape consisting of a central ellipsoid and straight tubes. Here we investigate me-chanical aspects of the shape transformation of liposornes caused by microtttbule assembly. Wecalctrlate the liposome shape using a mathematical model based on the notion of the minimumbending energy of the liposorne membrane. The force generated by the microtubule assembly isincorporated in the model by considering the local force balance of the membrane. Numericalanalysis of the model gives a series of shapes which are similar to the shapes observed in experiments. The force-transformation relationship obtained in ovtr znodel predicts the existence ofa critical force for the formation of ttrbular projections. The force exerted by microtubtrles iscalculated using experimental data.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-02-15
Nakajima Hisao
Department Of Human Ecology Toyoko Women's Junior College
Nakajima Hisao
Department Of Physics Ritsumeikan University
Hotani Hirokazu
Nagoya Univ. Div.biol.sci.
Hotani Hirokazu
Department Of Molecular Biology School Of Science Nagoya University
Umeda Tamiki
Kobe University Of Mercantile Marine
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