Size Distribution of γ-and α-Fe Complex Clusters in Fe/Cu Granular Film Deposited by Cluster Beam Technique
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Granular F8.CLl1O0 . films have been r>rodtrced b':t a cluster beam (CB ) technictue. Sznall angleX-ray scatterung (SAXS) meastmretnents indicate that the geometrical size of Fe clusters is about5 nun in diameter for x = 13. IN/Iagnetization and magnetoresistance curves between 5 and 300 Kcan be fitted to the Langevin functions with taking accotunt of the Fe cluster size distributionand an inter-cluster magnetic interaction. The average magnetic cluster size estimated froraathese analyses is about 1.6 nm (180 atouns) for T >50 K, which is roughly consistent with SAXSobservation. However, smaller size distribution of abotut 0.6 nrn (10 atoms) is obtained frorn thesame analysis of the results at T : 5 K. This implies a rnagnetic size-down originated from amagnetic frustration at low temperattrre.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-02-15
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Institute of Animal Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)
Kuwai Tomohiko
Department Of Physics University Of Toyama
Kuwai Tomohiko
Department Of Physics Toyama University
Suzuki Kenji
Institute For Material Resezrch Tohoku University
Institute of Materials Research,Tohoku University
Suzuki Kiyonori
Department Of Materials Science Kitami Institute Of Technology
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Hihara Takehiko
Institute for Material Research,Tohoku University
Wakoh K
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Wakoh Kimio
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Wang Ying
Center For Molecular Science And Engineering Northeastern University Shenyang
Wang Ying
Institute Of Animal Sciences Chinese Academy Of Agricultural Sciences (caas)
Institute for Materials Research Laboratory, Tohoku University
Kuwai T
Department Of Physics University Of Toyama
Wang Y
Center For Molecular Science And Engineering Northeastern University Shenyang
Kamiyama T
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
Sumiyama Kenji
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Suzuki Kenji
Institute For Masterials Research Tohoku University
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