A Model for Electron Collision in SF_6 Gas Feeding into a Q-Machine Plasma
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Electron collision processes in 21 plasnma with negative ions that were generated by feedinga $11121111 arnottnt of SF6 gas into a cont?tct ionization plas?na (e.g, Q-machine plasma) werenumerically analyzed using a collision-in-cell raaodel. The nunuerical results are as follows. Thedensity of SF.- is predornitaant, and is over fotrr tiraaes that of SF.9's. 1VIany of the electrons xvhichunderwent vibratiortal collision, ;tttach to SF(5 in sttlcseqtrent collisions. The electron density canbe controlled in a xvide rar'xge depetading on SF6 gas pressures.
- 1998-02-15
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