Surface-Stabilized Smectic A Phase in the Gay-Berne Model
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Constant temperature tnolecular dynanaics sitntrlations of' the systena of zrtolectules with theGay-Berne potential interacting with walls ?rre carried out to sttrdy tlue efl'ects of' the walls onthe positional and orientational smectic orders. The systena is conaposed of unolecules ptrt into asr>ace sandwiched bv tcarallel walls with reriodic botrndarv condition in the lateral directions, inwhich variotrs types of conditions of' the walls are tested. The systetn is shown to exhi bit severalphases, that is, isotropic, neunatic, stnectic and crystalline phases as the temperattzre decreases,in which two types of smectic phases, the surface-stabilized smectic A jchase and tl'ne trsual oneobserved at the btrlk systetn, are fotrnd and also the phase transition between these is shownto occtrr. The degrees of the positional and orientational orders of' the ['ormer are higher thanthose of the latter, which indicates that the walls xvork not only as the field of' the directionalanchoring but also as a sytnnaetry breaking field indtncing the sraaectic positional order in casethe width of tlne systerrt is not larger enotrgh than a certain length, say, the healing length.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-10-15
Department of Physics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mie University
Yamashita Mamoru
Department Of Applied Physics Nagoya University
Yamashita Mamoru
Department Of Physics Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Mie University
MIYAZAKI Toshikuni
Engineering Computing Dept.,Denso Corporation
Engineering Computing Dept.,Denso Corporation
Shigematus Koichi
Engineering Computing Dept. Denso Corporation
Miyazaki Toshikuni
Engineering Computing Dept. Denso Corporation
Yamashita Mamoru
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
Yamashita Mamoru
Department Of Applicad Physics Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
Shigematsu Koichi
Engineering Computing Dept.,Denso Corporation
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