Magnetic-Field Effects on Quadrupolar Ordering in a Γ_8-Quartet Sysrtem CeB_6
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A theory of the antiferro-quadrtrpolar ordering in CeB5 is developed in the f'ramework of theFg-qtrartet basis. Possible ordered phases under the external magnetic field are classified interms of their symrnetry properties, and the relations between quadrupolar order parametersand field-indtmced moments are established. Then we formulate a mean-field theory of Ohkawa'sRKKY rnodel based on the group-theoretical consideration. The stability of the possible phasesand the resulting phase diagrams ?tre analyzed in connection with the character of quadrtrpolarn?oments, the infltrence of induced moments and the form of Zeeman term. Considering availableexperimental restrlts, we introduce an itmproved model with asymrnetric interactions and discussthe phase diagram of CeB(5. The connection between unagnetostriction and trniform quadrupolarmouauents is disctussed.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1997-06-15
SHINA Ryousuke
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Max-Planck-Institut fur Chemische Physikfester Stoffe
SHIBA Hiroyuki
Department of Physics, Kobe University
Shina Ryousuke
Department Of Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Shiba Hiroyuki
Department Of Physics Kobe University
Thalmeier Peter
Max-planck Institute
Thalmeier Peter
Max-planck-institut Fur Chemische Physik Fester Stoffe
Shiba Hiroyuki
Department Of Computer Science Gunma University Faculty Of Engineering
Shiina Ryousuke
Department of Materials Science and Technology, Niigata University, Niigata 950-2181, Japan
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