X-Ray Diffuse Scattering and Martensitic Transformation in β(Au-Cd)+Cu Alloys
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X-ray diffuse scattering measurements have been carried out on /7-phase Au-47.5at%Cd-0.75 at%Cu and Au-49.0 at%Cd-0.75 at%Cu alloys. Five notable featureswere found in the distribution of diffuse scattering: (i) diffuse sheets extending uni-formly parallel to the (l l l) planes, (11) diffuse streaks running through the fundamental reflection points in the [1104 directions, (iii) diffuse peaks near q = (l /3) [1104 alongthe [110] direction, (iv) diffuse peaks near (=(l /3)[1 12] along the [112] direction and(v) diffuse peaks near (=(3/4)[110] along the [110] direction. The intensity of thesefive kinds of anomalous diffuse scattering shows characteristic temperaturedependence. The diffuse scattering is discussed in relation to the mechanism ofmartensitic transformation.[X-ray diffuse scattering, martensitic transformation, gold-cadmium-copper lj alloy, quenching effect, anomalous peakl
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1989-09-15
Kaori Miyata
Department Of Physocs Faculty Of Science Nara Woman's University
Department of Physics, Nara Women's University
Matsuo Yoshie
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Nara Women's University
Matsuo Yoshie
Department Of Physocs Faculty Of Science Nara Woman's University
Matsuo Y
Faculty Of Science Tokyo University Of Science
Miyata Kaori
Department of Physocs,Faculty of Science,Nara Woman's University
Miyata Kaori
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University
Matsuo Yoshie
Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science, Tokyo University of Science
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