Investigations on the Photoconductive Properties of Crystalline Astacin in a Sandwich Cell
- 論文の詳細を見る
Dark and photoconduction in astacin crystal in a sandwich cell has been studied asa function of applied field and temperature. The results suggest that a single discretetrapping level is involved in charge carrier generation and the dominant trapping levelis different for dark and photoconduction. Space charge limited current theory hasbeen used to evaluate various transport parameters. Linear excitation light intensitydependence of photocurrent suggests that the photo generation process is one photonprocess and is trap limited. Blue shift of the photoconduction action spectrum ofastacin compared to its optical absorption spectrum with illumination throgh thepositive electrode has been attributed to the difference in the rate of recombination ofcharge carriers at the surface and in the bulk when produced by radiation of differentwavelengths.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1988-03-15
Ghosh D
Indian Assoc. Cultivation Of Science Calcutta Ind
Pal P
Indian Assoc. Cultivation Of Science Calcutta Ind
PAL Prabir
Spectroscopy Department,Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
Spectroscopy Department,Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
Pal Prabir
Spectroscopy Department Indian Association For The Cultivation Of Science
Ghosh Dilip
Spectroscopy Department Indian Association For The Cultivation Of Science
Misra T
Indian Assoc. Cultivation Of Science Calcutta Ind
Misra T.N.
Spectroscopy Department,Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
- Investigations on the Photoconductive Properties of Crystalline Astacin in a Sandwich Cell
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- Anomalous Transient and Steady State Photoconductivity Study in Some Carotenoid Polyenes