Magnetovolume Effect in Ferromagnetic Transition Metals
- 論文の詳細を見る
Magnetovolume effects in ferromagnetic transition metals and alloys, such asthe spontaneous volume magnetostriction, the forced volume magnetostriction,are described by a phenomenological theory based upon a fluctuating local bandpicture, in which both itinerant electron and local moment characters are takeninto account. The magnetovolume effects of Fe, Ni and the Fe -Ni Invar alloyare analyzed on the basis of the proposed theory. It has been shown that thedegree of shrinkage of local moments above the Curie temperature can be es-timated from this analysis. It is concluded that local moments remain almostunchanged in bcc Fe and, on the contrary, they shrink markedly in the Invar alloy.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1981-08-15
SHIGA Masayuki
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University
Shiga Masayuki
Department Of Material Science And Engineering Kyoto University
- 28aPS-28 EuNi_2(Sl_Ge_x)_2(x=0.75, 0)の高分解能4d4f共鳴光電子分光
- Metamagnetic Transition to Poor Conductor in BaVS_3(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Magnetism of BaVSe_3 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Ferromagnetism of Sulfur Deficient BaVS_ : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Incommensurate Magnetic Ordering and Spin-Liquid-Like State in a Triangular Lattice BaVS_3: Neutron Diffraction and Scattering Study : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Magnetism of Geometrically Frustrated Metallic Compounds (Frontiers in Magnetism)
- Low Temperature Specific Heat of RMn_2 Compounds with the Hexagonal C14 Structure (R=Y,Yb and Th)
- Spin-Liquid to Spin-Glass Transition in Y (Sc)(Mn_Al_x)_2 : Polarized Neutron Scattering Study
- 30p-E-3 幾何学的競合系β-Mnにおけるスピン凍結
- 27pTC-6 EuNi_2(Si_Ge_x)_2のEu L_3吸収端における共鳴X線非弾性散乱測定(27pTC 価数揺動系,重い電子系,領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- Polarized Neutron Scattering Study of β-Mn and β-Mn_ Al_
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Ce(Co_Fe_x)_4B (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.20)
- NMR Study of Magnetic State of RMn_2 Intermetallic Compounds.II.R=Heavy Rare-Earth
- High Field Magnetization of RMn_2
- 26p-PSB-32 EuNi_2P_2の単結晶作製と磁性
- 23pPSB-21 EuNi_2(Si_Ge_x)_2の共鳴光電子分光II
- 26p-PSB-30 Resonant Photoemission and Optical Reflectivity Studies of Temperature-Induced Valence Transition Material EuNi_2(Si_Ge_x)_2
- 13aXC-8 EuNi_2 (Si_Ge_)_2 の Eu 3d X 線吸収と Eu 3d-4f 共鳴光電子分光(吸収分光・MCD・光電子分光, 領域 5)
- 27aXQ-3 硬X線によるEuNi_2(Si_Ge_)_2の内殻光電子分光(光電子分光)(領域5)
- 22aZG-2 V_5Se_8のNMR
- 24aPS-87 三角格子V_5S_8のNMR
- 28a-YS-2 3次元フラストレート系遍歴磁性体のスピンのゆらぎ II
- 26p-PSA-2 CuMnO_2のNMR
- 2p-Y-6 3次元フラストレート系遍歴磁性体におけるスピン揺らぎの次元性低下
- 27aXB-8 スピネル化合物CuV_2S_4のフラストレーション
- 27aPS-48 層状三角格子化合物V_TS_2およびV_TSe_2の磁性
- 31a-XJ-1 中性子スピンプレセッションによる強磁性単結晶の動力学回折効果
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Tb_2Co_7
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of PrCo_5
- Hard X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy of Temperature-Induced Valence Transition in EuNi_2(Si_Ge)_2(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Muon Spin Relaxation Study of Magnetism of a Triangular Lattice BaVs_3
- Anomalous Transport and Thermal Properties of YInCu_4
- メスバウア分光法によるアルミニウム中のFeの析出挙動に及ぼす圧延加工と熱処理の効果
- メスバウアー分光法による高純度アルミニウム箔中のFe析出に及ぼす熱処理の影響
- Evidence of Spontaneous Co Moment in a Rare-Earth-Cobalt Laves Phase Compound : ^Co NMR Study of LaCo_2
- Mossbauer Study on Nonequilibrium Disordered Fe-Al Alloys Produced by DC Sputtering
- Low Temperature Specific Heat of Nearly and Weakly Ferromagnetic Y (Co_Al_x)_2
- Stability of Mn Moments and Magnetic Structure of Tb_1-xM_xMn_2(M=Sc and Y)
- Low Temperature Specific Heat of Laves Phase AFe_2Compounds (A=Nb,Ta and Ti)
- Giant Spin Fluctuations in Y_Sc_Mn_2
- Forced Volume Magnetostriction of Fe_(Ni_Mn_x)_ Alloys
- Elastic Anomalies in Fe-Al Spin Glasses
- Forced Volume Magnetostriction of Ferromagnetic and Cluster Glass Fe-Al Alloys
- X-Ray Study of Crystal Distortions in RMn_2 Compounds (R:Y,Pr,Nd,Sm and Gd)
- Magnetic Properties and Magnetovolume Effects in Gd_xY_Co_2(x≦0.2) Cluster Glasses
- Magnetovolume Effects in Gd_xY_Co_2
- Magnetic and Magnetovolume Properties of the Cu_3Au Type Ordered Fe-Pt Alloys around the γ-αPhase Boundary
- Sharp Transition from Ferromagnetic to Antiferromagnetic State in fcc Fe-Co Particles Precipitated in Cu Matrix
- Paramagnetic Susceptibility in Fe-Pt Invar Alloys
- Low Temperature Thermal Expansion of Fe_Pt_ Invar Alloy
- Electronic Specific Heat of Y (Fe_Co_x)_2
- Mossbauer Effect and NMR Studies of Fe_Pt_ Invar Alloy
- Magnetization, Thermal Expansion and Low Temperature Specific Heat of Fe_Pt_ Invar Alloy
- Magnetic Field Effects on the Valence Transition of Eu-Based Compounds
- First-Order Valance Transition of EuPd_2Si_2 Induced by High Magnetic Fields
- Mossbauer Effect and Exchange Anisotropy of Iron-Rich FeNi Alloys with Face-Centered Cubic Structure
- Mossbauer Effect and Neutron Diffraction of Fe_(Ni_Mn_x)_ Alloys
- Antiferromagnetism of V_2O_3 Observed by the Mossbauer Effect
- Spectroscopy Studies of Temperature-Induced Valence Transition on EuNi_2(Si_Ge_x)2 around Eu 3d-4f, 4d-4f and Ni 2p-3d Excitation Regions
- Thermal Expansion and Electrical Resistivity of EuNi_2(Si_Ge_x)_2
- Forced Volume Magnetostriction and Induced Moment in GdCo_2
- Spontaneous Volume Magnetostriction of RCo_2 Compounds
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of ^Co in ErCo_5
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of RCo_5. I.R=Gd and Y
- 28a-D-13 EuNi_2(Si_Ge_x)_2の^Euメスバウアー分光
- 12aPS-52 BaVS_3 のスピンギャップと金属-絶縁体転移(磁性・磁気共鳴, 領域 3)
- 21aPS-8 BaVS_3 の強磁場下における輸送特性
- Role of Frustration in Strongly Correlated Itinerant Electron Systems
- 22pE-2 YMn_2の磁気秩序状態の核磁気緩和
- Spin Wave Stiffness Constant of Laves Phase Invar Compound (Zr_Nb_)Fe_2
- 23pPSB-22 EuPd_2(Si_Ge_x)_2におけるEu価数の温度依存性
- 26aR-1 多重磁気転移を示すGd_R_xMn_2Ge_2(R=Y, La)の電気抵抗
- 26p-PSB-31 価数揺動系EuNi_2(Si_Ge_x)_2の熱膨張II
- 28a-YH-12 BaVS_3の中性子散乱
- 19pZA-8 RMn_2Ge_2化合物の磁気抵抗
- 18pZA-3 μSRで見たBaVS_3の磁気秩序状態
- 18pZA-2 BaVS_3の強磁場磁性
- 18pZA-1 BaVS_3の金属絶縁体転移に伴う構造変化
- 17pZA-5 反強磁性に近い金属 LaMn_4Al_8 の磁性
- 28pPSB-45 BaVSe_3の磁性
- 28aPS-29 Eu(Pd_Pt_z)_2Si_2の価数転移による異常比熱
- 26p-PSB-33 EuNi_2(Si_Ge_x)_2の熱電能
- 22pSE-4 EuPt_2Si_2の圧力効果
- Grain Boundary Decohesion by Sulfur Segregation in Ferromagnetic Iron and Nickel : A First-Principles Study
- First-Principles Study on Segregation Energy and Embrittling Potency of Hydrogen in NiΣ5 (012) Tilt Grain Boundary (Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- 28pYE-7 フラストレートした金属磁性体のスピン液体状態
- 一次磁気相転移を示す化合物の磁気熱量効果 -高効率磁気冷凍をめざして-
- 22pE-3 YMn_2の磁気構造
- 22aPS-14 CoSe_2 の^Se NMR
- Electrical and Magnetic Study of Iron-Manganese Alloys
- Magnetic Properties of Stoichiometric and Off-Stoichiometric NbFe_2
- Mossbauer Effect of Invar Type Fe-Ni-C and Fe-Ni-Mn Alloys in the Critical Concentration
- Calorimetric Study on Metal-Insulator Transition of Quasi-One-Dimensional BaVS_3
- Effect of Local Environment on Formation of Local Moments in bcc Fe-Cr Alloys-Mossbauer Study
- Giant Negative Thermal Expansion in Mn-Rich bcc Cr-Mn Alloys
- Magnetovolume Effect in Ferromagnetic Transition Metals
- Effect of External Field on Spin-Glass Behavior of Fe_(Ni_Mn_)_ Alloy
- Large Thermal Expansions in Cr Mn Alloys at Low Temperatures
- Thermal Expansion of TFe_2 (T=Zr, Hf, Ti, Sc and Ce) Laves Phase Intermetallic Compounds
- NMR Study of Ordered and Disordered Fe-Co Alloy