Spectral Densities of Inelastic Electron Scattering of Metals at Threshold
- 論文の詳細を見る
Generalized power law (GPL) found by Mizuno, Ishikawa and Ohmura isarrlied to have srectral densities of inelastic electron scatterins. Bar adortin:a small ranse rarameter obtained rreviouslv, GPL is shown to exr>lain exreri-mental results of inelastic electron scatterinn at threshold of Ritsko, Schnatterlyand Gibbons on Li and Slusk>', Gibbons, Schnatterly and Fields on Mg whichhave not been explained by the use of the Nozieres and De Dominicis' theory.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1981-06-15
Ohmura Yoshihiro
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Ohmura Yoshihiro
Department Of Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
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- The Inner-Shell Hole of Alkali Metals Studied by the DV-Xα Method
- Inelastic Scattering of γ-Rays by K-Shell Electrons of Metallic Copper and Iron.I.Scattering by A^2-Term
- Anomalous Effects of a Localized Inner-Shell Hole upon Soft X-Ray Spectra in Metals. : II. Connection between Absorption and Emission Spectra
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- On the Dynamics of KDP Type Ferroelectrics. I : Formulation and Acoustic Anomaly
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- Contribution to the Plasmon Satellite in Soft X-Ray Emission Spectra of Light Metals