Critical Opalescence and Electric Field Effect in Cyclohexane-Methanol
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Critical fluctuations in a binary mixture, cyclohexane-methanol, are studied bymeasuring the intensity of the Rayleigh scattering. Measurements are made alongthe critical isochore above T., and along the metluanol-rich side of the coexistencecurve below T.. Critical exponents and the zero temperature correlation lengthsare determined as >'=l.27:L0.06, >"=l.l4i0.I0, r=0.65:i 0.03, v"=0.58i0.04,<.=4.1!:0.5A, and<:.(u=6.2fl.2A, where 4. and 4;o are rest>ectivel>' thezero temperature correlation lengths above and below T..The scattering intensity shows a decrease when AC electric field is applied.The decrease ?AI l/7= f,I(k, E) -Ink, 0)}/Z(A, 0), where E is the field strength andk the scattering vector, is determined in the temperature range l x 10-'<Z<5 x10-", where t is the reduced temperature. The maximum value of ?AI?/I was 0.65at E= 700 V. ./cm. The field strength dependence of ?4I l /Its interpreted by apply-ing the formula which explains the intensity of the Rayleigh scattering due to thefluctuations of the orientation of a director n. in nematic liquid crystals.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1978-12-15
Ikushima Akira
The Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
Yosida Yositaka
The Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
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