Transport Phenomena in Cadmium Single Crystal
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Theoretical expressions for the galvanomagnetic tensor in weak magnetic field, the electronic specific heat and the thermoelectric power of cadmium single crystal are derived. As a model of the band structure it is assumed that there is a lens-shaped segment of the Fermi surface for the electrons and three segments of anchor ring shape for the holes. The numerical values of the parameters contained in this model are determined by comparison with experiments. The number of electrons or holes and the mobilities at room temperature are found to be 4×10^<21> cm^<-3> and of the order of 10^<-7> e.m.u. respectively.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1963-11-05
Tsuji Mikio
General Education Department Kyushu University:department Of Applied Science Faculty Of Engineering
Tsuji Mikio
General Education Department Kyushu University
Fukuoka Women's University
Kunimune Makoto
Fukuoka Women's University
Tsuji M.
General Education Department, Kyushu University
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