Electronic Structure in the Magnetically Ordered States of CeSb Studied by Infrared Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
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In order to investigate the electronic structures in the magnetically ordered states of CeSb, we measured the optical reflectivity and the magnetic circular dichroism in the infrared region at low temperatures under a magnetic fled. The optical conductivity spectrum, as well as the reflectivity spectrum, varies with the changing of temperature and magnetic field due to the magnetic phase transition. The optical spectrum originates from the absorption from the top of the Sb 5p band to the bottom of the Ce 5d band. The spectra in the ordered states cannot be explained only by the energy band folding due to the appearance of the periodic magnetic structure. It was found that the Sb 5p band is strongly modified by the appearance of the Ce 4f Γ_8 state in the ordered state. The Sb 5p-Ce 4f mixing effect is considered to play an important role in the magnetic phase transition.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2000-03-15
Shin-ichi Kimura
Uvsor Facility Institute For Molecular Science
SUZUKI Takashi
Physics Department,Graduate School of Science,Tohoku University
Kimura S
The Graduate School Of Science An Technology Kobe University
Kitazawa Hideaki
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research Riken
Kitazawa Hideaki
Nanomaterials Laboratory National Institute For Materials Science
National Institute for Materials Science
Kimura S
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Kobe University
Kimura Shin-ichi
Division Of Mathematical And Material Science Graduate School Of Science And Technology
Kitazawa Hideaki
Physical Properties Division National Research Institute For Metals
Physical Properties Division, National Research Institute for Metals
Kido G
National Institute For Materials Science
Kido G
Nanomaerials Laboratory National Institute For Materials Science
Kitazawa Hideaki
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Kitazawa H
National Institute For Materials Science (nims)
Kimura Shojiro
Molecular Photoscience Research Center And Department Of Physics:(present Address)kyokugen Osaka Uni
Division of Mathematical and Material Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology/Physical Properties Division, National Research Institute for Metals/Physical Properties Division, National Research Institute for Metals/Physical Properties Division
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