Bifurcation and Chaos of Current Oscillations in Semiconductors with NDC
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This paper describes a sinatrlationstl study on bif'urc?rtion ?xnd ch?tos of current oscillations insernicondtrctor with NDC (Negative Differential Condtrctivity) indtrced Ivy the recombinationinstability. A one-diraaensional tnodel of gold-dojved n-Ge has been proposed in which the reconabination instability leads the systeuaa to instability ttnd ctrrrent oscillations, and the coranptttationshave been perforuaaed trnder the botrndatry conditions with d.c. bias. XN7e ['otrnd that this syste?taexhibits complicated strttcttrre of bifurcsrtions f'or cttrrernt oscillations incltrding chaotic behatviorand trntrsual truncated branches on bifurctttion diagranas at the transition region between twobasic oscillation naodes in the parstrneter space.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-07-15